18. The big day

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** Becky Pov **

This past two weeks have been crazy.

I, for one was extremely busy putting the wedding together.

But I would've done it without the help of my maid of honor, Janelle and the rest of the bridesmaids.

I hired a wedding planner. After that we went cake tasting, wine tasting, and met the chef that will be catering our food.

It was the perfect wedding.

Every girl has there dream wedding in there head as child.

Let's just say mine came true. I was marrying the man that i love, I couldn't wait to spend the rest of my life with him.

I truly thank God for everything.

"I can't believe were getting married to tomorrow" my soon be husband hugged me and twirled around our living room.

"It's finally here, babe" I pecked his lips.

"Luckily, after tomorrow I won't have to wait to be with you anymore" he smirks and put me down.

"I-I have to go" I looked at the clock.

"Um-mm--wait, you're going to show up at the alter? He asks nervously.

"I wouldn't missed it" I came back and hugged him again.

"I love you" he replies confidently.

"I love you more. Have fun at you're bachelor party, and behave" I added before closing the door.

Janelle's and the bridesmaids insisted to throw me a bachelorette "No male" dancers.

They knew I wouldn't agree to that.

I just want to spend time with my friends one last time before I get married that all that mattered to me.

"She's here everyone" Janelle screamed when she saw me peeking inside her house.

Everyone cheered, she brought a big ribbon in black and white that wrote "bachelorette"

"Since, you're the bride you have to wear this no buts" she commands.

She helps me wear it, led me where all the fun was.

We danced, ate, and talked about everything.

"So what do you think the boys are doing right now? One of the bridesmaid asks.

"With strippers" another muttered.

Of course they were! They are guys after all.

"Guys, tonight is not about them. Who cares what there doing?!" She turns up the radio.

"Let's dance" she suggests. Soon, everyone followed her to the dance floor.

She really knew how to throw a party.

I joined them.

** Matt Pov **

I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turn to see it was no other than my best friend john.

"Lieutenant john at you're service, sir" he salutes me.

"Thanks for coming, man" we did a handshake and sat down.

Everyone was here Michael, Jesse, Samuel, and john.

"Where are the drinks?!" Michael and Jesse asks they were party animals since college.

They still haven't changed a bit.

"Guys, I don't want anything strong, I want to make it to my wedding without a hangover, okay"

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