A New Begining

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Diamond's POV

I had been running for hours and my wolf was tired and thirsty. I walked, until I found a small lake. I walked over to it and began to drink some of it. I looked at my reflection and smiled.

I began to feel tired, so I laid my head down on my two front paws. I was about to let sleep take over me when I heard a branch snap. I got in a fighting stance ready for the wrost. Three wolves came out of the bushes.

There was a tan wolf, a brown wolf with white spots, and a plain dark brown wolf. I felt power off of each of them, but the dark brown wolf was bigger, and was raidating more power, so he's probally an alpha. I bowed my head to show that I ment no harm. One by one they went behind a tree and swifted.

The tan wolf turned in to a boy with red hair, green eyes, a pale complection, and freckles. The brown and white wolf turned in to a boy with blonde hair, brown eyes, and an olive skin tone. The alpha shifted in to a boy with black hair, piecering blue eyes, and a nice even skin tone.

"Shift." the alpha comanded.

I looked down at my body and shook my head 'no'. He understood what I ment, and he threw me a large black shirt. I went behind a tree and shifted, putting on the shirt. The shirt reached my knees and was off my left shoulder, because it was too big. I walked from behind the tree and saw all three of the boys.

"What are you doing in my territory?" the alpha asked.

"I ran away from my pack." I told him.

"Why did you run away?" the blonde hair boy asked.

"Ever since my parents died in a rouge attack, I have gotten beaten everday and was forced to be the pack maid. That was three years ago from today. Yesterday was my birthday, since it's now past midnight, anyways no one knew it was my birthday, because they were to obessed with the aplha's birthday party that night, that I had to cook and clean for. I went to sleep, only to be waken up by my brother, who also beats me, to clean up a mess I cleaned it up and was going back to my room to sleep when I smelled the most amazing smell. I kept walking until I ran into a wall, at least I thought it was a wall, my wolf said mate, I looked up only to see Dylan, the alpha. He-he then. He rejected me." by the end of my explaination I was sobbing. I felt three pairs of strong arms wrap around me. They hugged me for two minutes before letting me go.

"What's your name?" the red head asked.


"The name fits you well. You sparkle and shine just like a real diamond. I'm Keith." the alpha said. "And that's Paul." he pointed to the blonde.

"And I'm Roger." the red head screamed.

"Keith can she join our pack?" Paul asked.

"Sure. I bet you and my sister would be friends." I started laughing. "What are you laughing at?" Keith asked. I pointed towards Paul and Roger.

They were fist pumping the air and jumping around. Pretty soon all of us were laughing.

"Let's get you to the pack house." Roger yelled putting me over his shoulder and running.

"Roger put me down!" I laughed while hitting his butt.


"I'm naked under this shirt." I stated.

He stopped as soon as I said that.

"Yeah, I better put you down." he said while putting me down.

We walked in to the pack house, hearing a scream.

"What's wrong!?" Keith boomed.

"There's a big ass spider!" yelled a girl with black hair and the same piecering blue eyes as Keith.

"Kendra, why didn't you just kill it?" Roger asked. "And where's Sarah?"

"I'm right here." a blonde girl with green eyes said. She came up and kissed Roger. They're were obviously mates.

"Who's this?" a girl with light brown hair and light blue eyes asked, poining towards me. She came up to Keith and kissed him.

"Morgan, Kendra, and Sarah, this is Diamond. She's joining our pack. Diamond this is my sister Kendra."

"Hi, nice to meet you. You have pretty hair."

"Thanks, you do too."

"My mate, Morgan." Keith explained. "And Roger's mate, Sarah."

"It's nice to meet all of you." I smiled.

"So, how did you end up here?" Kendra asked.

"Long story short, I was beaten for three years, I got rejected yesterday and I ran away. Now I'm here." I felt three pairs of arms go around me.

"We'll take care of you always." Morgan said.

"What pack are you from?" Sarah questioned.

"The Full Moon Pack." I told them. "What pack is this?"

"The Blood Moon Pack." Kendra smiled.

"Are you talking about the strongest pack, next to Royal pack?"

"Yes." they all said.

"Cool, but do I have a room?"

"You can sleep next door to me." Kendra beemed, pulling my hand. We went upstairs and came in front of a light blue door. We walked in and the room was amazing. There was a California King bed, with light purple and light blue pillows, sheets, and covers. The carpet was light purple, like the sheets and pillows, the wall were painted the same shade of blue, there was a walk in closet, a balcony, and a joined bathroom.

"How do you like it?" Kendra asked.

"I love it!"

"Here's a shirt of mine and some shorts. We'll go shopping tomorrow."

"Ok, goodnight."

"Goodnight." Kendra said leaving my room.

I put on the pajammas and got in bed, falling asleep right away. It has been a very long day.








Lots of love,


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