3: angel

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bronwyn's p.o.v.

today was friday, i had started school on a wednesday. why? i don't know, i just roll like that. i woke up to the same obnoxious honking sound i always do, i seriously needed to get a different alarm clock. i blinked a few times to let my eyes adjust to the light.

nobody was home yet again this morning, but i was okay with it. i went downstairs and made a large cup of coffee before returning upstairs and showering. while in the shower, i started to question how i had gotten into my house- last i remember i was in carter's car.

i showered and washed my hair before getting out and walking into my room clad in my towel, shivering against the cool air of the house against my damp skin. i picked up my phone to see a text from carter, i smiled at it and sent a reply.

to: my ride home ;)
hey x
just woke up, see you soon?

i set my phone down and got dressed, wearing a long-sleeve black v-neck t-shirt with ripped jeans that clung to my skin and my yellow sneakers. i pulled my wet hair into one long, messy braid down my back. naturally, my baby hairs fell beside my face. i put on mascara and when i finished i heard my phone ding.

from: my ride home ;)
hi princess, want me to pick you up?
it beats walking x

to: my ride home ;)
omg, that would be amazing. thank you!! x

i watched as she read it but she didn't respond so i simply pulled on my denim jacket with the sunflowers stitched into it and my necklace, that i wear literally everyday. i grabbed my book bag and brushed my teeth before walking to the door.

i saw that carter was already there, and smiled to myself a little. i ran over to the passenger side and knocked on the window so carter would unlock the door. upon seeing me, she smiled and unlocked the car so that i could easily slide in. "good morning, carter," i said sweetly as i sat down.

"good morning, love." she answered back, her voice sounded a little deeper than usual when she said that. it sent my hormones into over-drive and i shifted a little.

"thanks for bringing me home yesterday," i said, trying to take my mind away from the fact that her hair was up in a bun, leaving her neck and defined jaw out in the open. i swallowed hard.

"it was no problem. your room's adorable, by the way" she looked over at me briefly and i smiled lightly. she returned the smile before looking back to the road.

we sat in a comfortable silence for the rest of the ride, music playing quietly in the background. soon though, we were sitting in the school parking lot. i got out and grabbed my stuff, carter doing the same as i waited for her. she looked down at me and smiled, "you didn't have to wait."

"i know, but i wanted to." i replied, looking up at her and squinting slightly because of the bright sun.

"well actually thats good, i had something to tell you." she started.

"okay...?" i asked, my heart doubling it's heart rate before i remembered that i met her two days ago and i seriously needed to chill the hell out.

"my friend lily is throwing a party tonight, do you want to come? i know most of your friends are going anyway but i wanted to be the one to invite you." she said, looking away from me shyly.

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