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"Next, I should..." Hyun Ae mumbled to herself while scanning through the schedule in her hands.

She was sitting alone in the boys' green room while they were having a shoot somewhere in the local broadcasting building. With her earphones on, she continued to read through the list of the boys' schedules for the next three days.

"For you," a voice suddenly spoke, sliding a bar of Snickers toward Hyun Ae. She shifted her gaze from the clipboard onto the Snickers on the table, right in front of her. She then looked up to see Namjoon standing beside her, so she pulled off one of her earphones as she began to speak.

"But I bought that for you guys-"

"And I'm giving mine to you," he said, sitting beside her on the couch, letting himself relax as he leaned back.

"I didn't realize that you're here," Hyun Ae said, continuing to look at the list.

"Well, that means you're focused on your work," he figured out, then sitting himself up as he moved closer to her. "Need any help? Because you looked like you need one."

"Nah. I'm fine," she whispered, chuckling as she placed the board on the table, then pulled out her phone. After a few taps on the screen, she placed it against her ear, listening to the ringing.

"Hello, Yoon Hee ah? I think you can go home early today. I might not come," she informed. "Haha. Yeah, a very nice day," she chuckled, stealing a glance at Namjoon who was watching her quietly. "Okay, but I'll meet you later, so once you're done closing the shop, I'll meet you at your place."

After Hyun Ae had ended the call, she placed her phone down on the table before doing a few stretches when suddenly the leader tapped her back.

"I'm sorry," he muttered when she turned her attention to him.

"For what?"

"For making you our manager's sudden replacement."

"Hey, it's okay," Hyun Ae giggled, patting his shoulder assuringly. "After spending time managing you guys, there's a thing I began to realize," she paused, then smiled at him as she continued, "how lonely my life is."

She chuckled, nervously, clasping her hands together as she stared at it. "Ever since I moved here to Seoul, I never had many friends. Only Yoon Hee, and those in the college that now I don't know their whereabouts," she said, scratching her head and then giggling. "That... if you guys considered me as a friend too-"

"Noona, please don't say that," Jimin suddenly interrupted, from behind the couch where Hyun Ae and Namjoon were sitting. Both of them jumped a bit and immediately turned around, just to find the rest of the members were already in the room, just done with their solo shoots.

"You're our family now, noona!" Taehyung said, jumping to her other unoccupied side on the couch, unwrapping a bar of Snickers that he had in his hand.

"Look at these two, calling me 'noona' again. I told you, I'm a year younger!" Hyun Ae pointed out, poking her elbow at Taehyung's arm as he was busy munching his snack.

"We... don't... care," he said between his munches.

"Okay, guys. There's an interview next. That's the last one for today before you guys are going home. Now, finish those snacks and we'll go," Hyun Ae filled them in, clapping her hands together before picking up the schedule clipboard back.

For around ten to fifteen minutes, Hyun Ae kept filling them in with the details of their upcoming schedules while them having their break, some getting makeup fixes, hair fixes, and more. Since the interview was also held in the same building, she felt relieved that she didn't have to rush them since they were practically playing around in the green room.

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