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"Look what I got you!!" Ny'kera simi yelled as she walked in holding up a bag of weed and some Russian cream backwoods.

Markeyvius's face lit up when he seen what She had , being that he hadn't smoked since he got there .

After handing him the bag she sat on the bed . He thanked her before ripping open one of the Russian cream packs open .

"I'm gone need a home cooked meal after dis fasho" key spoke

Ny'kera pulled her phone out and recorded key as he broke the weed down . She wanted this 'vacation' she told his fans they were on to seem real .

"Soooo....What's the pin to yo black card cuz the credit cards are damn near maxed tf out" ny'kera spoke . She was receiving packages in the mail every other day and was loving it.

"What's gone be yo plan When you spend all my money huh? Especially when I'm not out makin more" He asked as he lit the blunt .

Ny'kera smacked her teeth "I'm sure you got sum stashed up for a rainy day"

Key shook his head "8-3-97" he spoke .

"Yo birthday? I shoulda been thought of that" she said shaking her head .

"You gone hit this?" Key asked holding it up for ny'kera to grab.

She smiled quickly dropping her phone . She had never smoked weed before but she had been around people who did .

Taking one puff ny'kera immediately felt her stomach start turning .

She handed the blunt back and slid out the bed running to the bathroom to throw up .

"Damn you allergic to weed or something?" Key asked as he continued hitting his blunt .

Ny'kera held her hair so it didn't get puke in it and when she finished she flushed the toilet "fuck you key" she spoke before rinsing her mouth out.


What's one petty reason you won't date someone?

For me it's if they teeth are all fucked up & they can't be shorter den me

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