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Three years later

"What's the matter, princess?" Ryder Godson sneered at her from across the office. He had his long, muscular legs sprawled out, causing everyone to walk around him in a wider girth, and his arms were stretched across the backs of the two other chairs. It was why Jane had opted to sit on the other side of the hall. "Not used to getting called into the principal's office?"

She glanced up at him, hating that the bastard was sexier every time she saw him. "I get called in to be rewarded. And I don't have to use my stupid muscles to get rewards."

He grinned at her, and it made her tummy tighten. Ryder was still David's nemesis, giving him a hard time in football—now varsity players—and he stole all the glory David deserved. "Staring at my muscles, Sweet Jane?"

Her face burned. "Don't call me that."

That smile stretched wider. "Why? I think you like it."

David didn't, Jane thought. Not that it should matter what her stepbrother felt when other boys called her by anything other than her name.

He chuckled as he ran a hand through his dark hair. It was longer than she normally saw it. He usually kept it fairly short during football season. "Yeah, you like it."

"Oh, get over yourself." She crossed her arms, glaring at him. Everyone cowered around him, even his brothers, but she never did.

Those emerald eyes watched her, sparkling when she tried to intimidate him. "You're gonna get me hard if you keep staring at me like you want to rip my clothes off."

Jane's jaw dropped. "You're sick in the head, Ryder Godson."

"Mm, I think I like hearing my name being said from your pretty mouth." He smirked. "Let me hear you moan it this time."

The way he was staring at her made her whole body tingle, and she swore a tingly caress slid across her lips, so she pressed them together to ignore the sensation.

"Eat dog ass," she spat.

Finally, he looked disgusted, the look he normally gave her, and she grinned triumphantly. Though, all her excitement vanished when the door opened and David entered the office.

He stopped short when he saw her sitting in one of the chairs usually only bad kids sat in to wait for the principal. His confusion was adorable until it turned to anger at the sight of Ryder sitting opposite of her. "What are you doing here?" he asked her, ignoring the arrogant smile on Ryder's face.

She shrugged, hoping her attraction to her stepbrother wasn't obvious. Her feelings for him had only grown over the years, and while David was still her friend, he'd put distance between them when their parents married.

He and his dad had moved into the house she had with her mom since it was bigger, and it was the last piece of Jane's dad she could hold onto because he'd bought it to be their dream home, but all the touchy-feely relationship they'd started to develop had died. Besides being nice to each other, helping each other with homework, and occasionally arguing about him being too loud when she was trying to sleep, they were just really good friends.

But that didn't mean he didn't make her panties wet, or that he'd not become a part of her fantasies late at night when she was itching to sneak into his room to see if he wished things had gone the way she'd thought they were for them, before their parents dropped the bomb they'd been secretly dating for years and were getting married. "Don't know yet," she whispered, her voice trembling as he scanned her, his gaze halting on her thighs. "Why are you here?"

He tore his eyes from her legs and held up a slip. "Signing out for the day so I can go pick up dad from the airport."

"Dad." Ryder snickered. "Never knew a dad to burn a son so bad. Actually, I have, but this one is hilarious."

Jane's Team: A High School Reverse Harem ((EXCERPT ONLY))Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora