Chapter Thirty Five

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Jacob taps his fingers along Catherine's bare spine as she clicks away on her laptop, some wedding website appearing, he kisses her shoulder and leans closer to look.

"You know...we could just...elope" he offers, she smirks and looks to him.

"I want it to be perfect...." she tells him. "This will be my last wedding" he smiles at her and kisses her softly.

"Promise" he mumbles against her lips, she smiles.

"I promise that you will be the last man I ever marry" she tells him, Jacob smiles and nuzzles into her neck as she goes back to the computer, he slips his hand down and along her thigh, she rolls her eyes but smiles. "Is that all you think of?" she asks him, Jacob smirks against her neck.

"With you? Yeah" he answers slipping his hand up between her legs, Catherine smirks and sets the laptop aside, before turning onto her back, wrapping her legs around his waist, Jacob kisses her, threading his fingers into her hair. That's when Nik decides to burst into the room, now the size of a seven year old, Jacob groans and sets his head on his fiancée's shoulder before leaning up and looking at his son who smiles waving a blanket at him, Jacob sighs and holds out his arms to the boy who climbs onto the bed for cuddles. Catherine looks to them warmly, her son and her imprint, her perfect little family.


Rosalie sets a pile of wedding magazines in Catherine's lap, Catherine sighs and looks to her.

"You've been engaged a month now....and you have no plans in place" Rosalie tells her.

"I don't want to rush it" Catherine counters with a smile. "If it takes me a year, or two....then what does it matter, we're immortal"

"You're not having seconds thoughts are you?" Rosalie asks sitting at her side.

"What?" Catherine looks to her. "Of course I'm not" Catherine takes Rosalie's hand in hers. "Jacob is the one I want to spend the rest of my immortality with" she assures her sister. "I just want this to be perfect" Rosalie smiles and kisses Catherine's cheek. "How is the adjusting going? To being....alive again?"

"All right, I mean, it's all a little strange, I cried yesterday, which was weird" Catherine smirks at her. "And sleeping....that's something I can't get used to....I actually feel bad for Em"

"We could know" Catherine tells him, her face changing, her hybrid appearing before it disappears. "If he wanted it, that way you could both actually....sleep together" she teases, Rosalie raises an eyebrow.

"I hadn't thought of that option, I'm not sure it would be something he'd....want"

"You could at least ask him" Catherine offers taking a wedding magazine from the pile. "Or put the idea out there....." Rosalie nods and leans against her sister's side.


Niklaus sits with a set of play blocks, Catherine sits behind him stroking his hair, she kisses his cheek and smiles as he laughs, her perfect little boy.

"Mommy loves you" she tells him, he nods.

"I love Mommy" he tells her back, she smiles and presses her head to his and takes a deep breath.

"Thank you" she whispers, to who ever it was that allowed her to get pregnant, whoever made it so, whoever set that in motion. She just....wants to thank them for allowing her this chance, the opportunity to be a mother, something she missed out on as a human, something she always wanted to be.

"Mommy?" Nik asks, she looks to him and smiles pulling him closer, he laughs as she tickles him. Jacob stands in the doorway watching them, this dopey smile on his face and pure adoration in his eyes.

Catherine (J. Black)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora