(11): Sick Girl

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"Chelsea- Anne?" Kyle looks confused when I stumble into the apartment, collapsing on the floor because my feet hurt like crazy "What happened to you? You look like a mess"

"Your fucking brother" Is the only thing I can manage to get out as I catch my breath and sanity.

"What?" He booms angrily and shocked "You called me last night and told me you were okay"

"Yeah, last night" I breath exasperated "I was walking back from Nathan's and he basically kidnapped me with a gun pressed against my temple"

"He did what!?"

I sniff angrily "Well it wasn't him. It was some guy called Big Ben but he was just following Zorro's commands. Fucking psycho almost got me killed"

"Jesus" Kyle mutters, pinching the bridge of his nose "Did he say anything? Did he tell you why he did that?"

I thought I was all out of tears but apparently I'm not because they start falling down again "He convinced your father that you had an eye on me and now your father wants to meet me. Something like that"

Kyle sighs loudly looking apologetically at me who's still sitting on the floor, with my back against the wall "I can't believe this"

"He said to tell you that your father said that time was running out" I whisper wiping my tears away. "I think you owe me an explanation, Kyle"

"No. No" Is the only thing he says.

I get up from the floor and stand demandingly right in front of him "Yes, yes, you do. Don't tell me that you don't want to involve me because as you can see, I'm very much involved at this point"

"No" He repeats again giving me a look that says this is not up for argument.

Too bad.

"Listen Kyle" I start off angrily, making hand gestures "I've just had the worst week of my entire life. First, my boyfriend breaks up with me and now I was just face to face with death. You need to tell me what the fuck is going on. Now"

"You listen. I don't give a fuck about your person problems. I don't even know why you mentioned that. I am not telling you anything about my brother and father" He replies sternly "You'll just have to trust me"


"Trust you? Are you fucking kidding?" I ask exasperated. "You've lost your mind"

Suddenly I'm being pushed against the wall, Kyle right in front of me with darkened eyes "You will not speak to me like that, Chelsea-Anne. I don't think I need to remind you but I'm not your friend and never will be. Don't get too comfortable with me"

He's not even going to try to comfort me or apologize over the fact that his brother almost got me killed? Fucking jerk.

"Fuck you" And then I push him far away from me, leaving him momentarily shocked that I possessed enough power to push him that hard. It's surprising what an angry woman can do. And then I run to my bedroom.

How could Zorro possibly think Kyle even gives half a fuck about me when he treats me like that?


"Dude, just put your pride aside and apologize to her. It's the least you can do"

That's definitely Nick's voice. What is he doing here? I was just about to go make some food after taking that amazing nap, until I opened my door and heard that voice.

"Me? Did I fucking ask Zack to target her?" Kyle's asks sounding annoyed "You're the one who started all of this. You know what happens to people who get involved with me"

Mr Rude & Me (Undergoing Editing)Where stories live. Discover now