Chapter 13: Naomi

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Cora's POV

As we walked to the prison, eyes turned as they saw me. Everyone was questioning what I was doing and why I had a beta and guards with me.

I tried to look confident as their eyes bore into me. Thankfully, we made it to the prison.

It was actually fairly modern and clean. Their weren't many cells due to Beau having a punishment scale made out for all of the crimes. The cells were really only there for truly awful criminals and ones who needed to be sentenced. Beau had it this way so that he didn't need to find the prison that much and could use the money for better things.

I didn't fully understand how practice it all was but it seemed to work for them.

"She is in here" Jessie stated as we approached a door. "There's a two way mirror so we can see everything. Are you sure about this, Luna?"

"We have to know" I said as I turned the door knob. The room was small with a table in the middle that had a chair on either side.

It reminded me of Law and Order SVU. I half expected Olivia Benson to walk in but no such luck. Instead I saw her sitting there. She was handcuffed to the table and she was analyzing my every move.

She had blond hair that was knotted and frizzy. She also had green eyes that were surrounded by half-healed scars and bruises.

I could tell what they had done to her. That information was too important not to obtain. She had suffered for it.

I slowly approached the table and took the seat across from her.

"Well, look who decided to grace me with her presence. The one and only: Cora. I feel so honored" she sarcastically stated with a smirk on her face.

"That's actually Luna" I returned with a smile. "What's your name again?"

"It's Naomi and you're no Luna. You haven't married Beau yet. And from the looks of it, you haven't even mated with him."

"Are you still clinging to the chance that he'll give you the time of day? You helped with the kidnapping of his cousin's daughter. You had a relationship with the beta of his enemy. He almost died because of you" I stated with venom in my words.

"He needed to understand that you don't turn your back on me so easily. As soon as he brought you here, he acted like I didn't exist. Like he hadn't been sleeping with me for months!" She said with tears forming in her eyes. She held them back but I could see how much pain she was in. She truly loved Beau.

Just in a really fucked up way.

"That doesn't mean he deserved to be tortured. He had found his mate and wanted to know her. Wouldn't you have done the same? If you had met your mate?"

A few tears rolled down her cheeks. "I don't have a mate. I don't think I'll ever find them."

"You will but only if you live long enough to get out of this prison." I said, becoming more stern. "You need to tell me who Beau's brother is or you and I both know what his guards will do to you."

"I-I can't. Ryder swore me to secrecy. He said if I ever told anyone that he'll leave me just like Beau did."

"Well Ryders dead now so I don't think you have to worry about him anymore." She looked up into my eyes with shock.


"He got what was coming for him. Now tell me."

"His name is Theo." She choked out through tears.

"Thank you" I said as I grabbed her hand and gave a light squeeze.

Just then, Jessie barged in and walked over to me. He bent down to my ear and whispered, "The Alpha is awake. He asked for you."

I got up and started running in the direction of the hospital.
"Where is she?! I want to see Cora!"

I knew that voice. It sounded so good to hear it again as I ran into his room.

He was fighting off nurses who were trying to get him to calm down so that he wouldn't tear any stitches.

"Beau! Beau, I'm here."

He stopped trying to get his IV out and turned to face me. He gave a smile as I walked over to him.

"Hi there, beautiful" He said with that familiar smirk.

"H-hi. I can't believe you're finally awake."

"Believe it. I feel completely healed and ready to go home" with that he tried to stand but stumbled a little. I grabbed his arm and helped him stand.

"Well almost. So where were you?"

"Talking to Naomi." He looked at me with wide eyes and motioned for the nurses to leave. 

Once they all had left he questioned, "Why?"

"She knows why my old pack took Lizzy and tortured you."

"What do you mean?"

"She said that you have a brother. His name is Theo."
Hopefully you like it! Let me know what you think or if you have any suggestions!


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