Chapter 12

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I sat upright in bed, yanking the thick blankets up to my chest. I regretted pulling off my nightgown earlier that night because now there was nothing other than the blankets shielding me from the intruder.

"Get out, or I'll scream for my guards." I called out from my bed. I was astonished that my voice came out firm and commanding instead of weak and terrified. God only knows what this strange person wanted from me, but I doubted anyone good or kind would be lurking around this late. And here I was, naked and alone in my bed. God, I was a fool.

"I have dismissed your guards for the time being." King Archer replied. "So feel free to yell out, but I don't think it will do you much good."

"I don't want you here." I snarled out. Though I was angry at him for intruding I was relieved that it was only my husband and no one who wished to cause me harm.

"We had an agreement, Willow." He reminded me. "I've let the stipulations pass for many nights, so I'm hardly being unfair or unruly. We need to complete our marriage."

I wanted to be scared of him. I wanted to hate everything that was happening but when my thoughts twisted around being with him I felt nothing other than intense excitement. I knew in my head that I should want to scream at him until he left me alone, but my heart rate had already increased and all I wanted was his hands on my body. I wanted to feel those soft waves of pleasure that I received when he touched me or the sharper, more debilitating feelings that surrounded me when his lips had grazed my own. I felt goose bumps move over my arms and legs when I heard the soft shuffle of the king's clothing, knowing that he was taking off his jacket.

I couldn't see him in the dark, the curtains had been drawn to close out the moonlight and the fire had been put out some time ago. There was nothing left for sources of heat or light so I let out a small gasp when I felt him climb onto my bed, kneeling in between my spread legs. I couldn't control my breathing; it was coming out erratic and uneven. But I forced my hands to stay by my sides and tried very desperately not to move my legs. I wanted to at least appear like I had all the self-control in the world, though I felt like I had none at all.

The king's hands fumbled around the blankets for a few moments before he found my ankles through the layers of thick material. It was such a tiny amount of contact, our skin not even touching, but I still flinched at his grasp and I swear that I heard him let out a noise over the rustling of the blankets. Then, ever so slowly, he moved his hands upwards. It was slow and patient, though I felt like being neither of those things. His hands slid up my ankles, over my knees and glided up my thin thighs. My breathing got louder as his hands moved higher, and when he pulled his hands away I let out a soft whimper of frustration, then a yelp of surprise when my warm blankets, my only barrier, were ripped away from me, leaving my naked body exposed to the cold.

And to him.

There was a moment of hesitation now that the blankets had been removed. I didn't dare touch the king, worried about what would happen to my dwindling self-control if I did. But I wanted him to touch me very badly, so intensely it was almost painful to wait as he hovered over me, not making a move. Thankfully, I heard him inhale softly and release the air with a nearly silent moan. Then his hands were on me again. My mouth fell open in a muted cry when his fingers came into contact with my upper thighs and inched upwards, towards my core. I didn't understand why the delicate folds felt so wet or why I wanted to be touched so badly. I had never felt like this before in my life and though it was pleasurable it was also intensely maddening.

I had never been touched by a man like this. My previous master had never wanted to do such things to me for which I was very thankful for. But this, being with the king was unlike anything I had expected. Anything I could've imagined. Even the slightest touch for him felt heavenly. My eyes would shut and I would repress little sounds of ecstasy with each moment that he let his fingers graze my skin. It was all so wonderful that I didn't even care what he did to me tonight. I just wanted him to touch me, to make me his completely. I was almost disappointed that I hadn't initiated an encounter like this before.

But the king was not in a hurry like I was. He took every second he could when moving his hands over my bare skin. Then, when his hands hit my hips I couldn't keep myself quiet anymore. I tipped my head back into the pillows and let out a strangled moan, using my legs to lift my hips off the bed in an act of uncontrollable frustration.

He kept one hand more firmly on my hip, I didn't quite understand why until he lifted his other hand, placing it flat against my pelvis and his thumb gingerly pressed down on my sensitive bud. The contact was so small, so slight, but so intense that my hips bucked upwards on their own accord and a surprised sigh slipped out of my parted lips, but I quickly sucked back in the air when I felt something push at my entrance, then slip inside me.

His single finger slid in and out of me slowly. I placed my hand over my own mouth to keep from crying out when he moved with such patience. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced, my head was swimming in pleasure, I couldn't think straight, I couldn't even consider telling myself that this was the man that had threatened my maids several hours ago. I just wanted him to move his finger faster and to touch that little bud one more time. There was a heavy pressure building within me and I was certain his touch was meant to release it.

"My God Willow, I've waited so long for you." King Archer moaned into the dark. His voice was deep and rough, like he was just as tortured as I was. It made me shiver.

I got my wish quicker than I imagined I would and it was far better than I had dreamed it would be.

I felt something soft and wet flick that little bud and my hips jolted again. This time the king was ready and when I shifted upwards he grabbed my waist with his free hand and forced me to lie flat on the bed sheets once more. I still jerked slightly, my body thrilled when his tongue moved up and down my slit, brushing against my folds. I didn't even have the capacity to be embarrassed that I was moaning like a wild animal while his mouth was covering my most intimate region. I even opened my legs more, so had it been day time or the fire place still lit I would've been spread out, everything exposed to this man.

King Archer didn't seem to mind though. I was almost certain that when he felt my legs shift out of his way he began flicking his tongue harder against me, but he slowly slid his finger out of me. Before I even had a chance to whimper in protest two fingers entered me, stretching me and filling me with pleasure all at once.

It was too much to bear. His mouth was sucking and licking the sensitive nub and his fingers were pumping in and out of me. It all felt so good, impossibly good. I threw my head back into the pile of pillows as the unknown pressure inside me became too much. In an act of desire, I reached down and laced my fingers through the king's short dark hair, not caring that this was the first time I had ever initiated contact.

And it got me my reward. The king let out a soft moan when my finger curled into his locks, pulling on the strands and the subtle vibration combined with the licking and friction of the fingers pushed me over the edge.

I didn't know what was happening at the time, I had never experienced anything like it before. It was so sudden and so strong it was almost terrifying. But my eyes rolled back and a loud groan escaped my lungs. My body felt incredible, electric. My muscles clenched and relaxed over and over again and I gripped the king's hair tightly, pulling him harder against me. I was in such extreme ecstasy that I felt like I was floating.

And when I came down from the high I had to lie very still for a while. My hands loosened and fell to my sides while my chest rose and fell quickly. My brain was muddled, my limbs were limp. I could feel my heart beat pounding in my chest and hear the rapid rate in my ears. I was vaguely aware that I was still naked and that the king was covering me with a blanket, but I hardly cared. I just lay there, entirely stunned and completely exhausted.

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