10. He's One Stubborn High Commander

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"We're going to Lucem Villa."

Complete silence fills the room, so much that it's almost suffocating.

"Say what." Becky is the first one to break the silence, staring at me blankly.

"Long story short I made it to the Core after a brief....setback, and now we have a mission that needs accomplishing."

"And who exactly is this "we"?" Sylvia butts in, crossing her arms and giving me a look that says she would have much preferred if I had stayed gone and disappeared.

"Well it's definitely not you." I snap back, not wanting to put up with her and her wretched attitude, especially not after that stressful journey to the Core.

"Wait, seriously?" Max suddenly speaks up, looking like the news has finally set in. "We're going to Lucem Villa? My home?"

I instantly feel my features soften as I look at Max, who's eyes have lit up at the prospect of going home.

"That's right. You'll get to see your father again, now that your punishment time is up."

"I really don't see why it's such a big deal. Max could have gone home any time he wanted after his punishment time was over, yet he chose to stay here in Highclere as a freeloader." Becky huffs, and Max and I both give her a flat look.

The only reason Max stayed here was for her and his friends, but yet again Becky ignores that small detail.

"But whatever. If we must go, I'll come, but only because I'm curious about the other half of myself and I want to see if anyone knew my....".Becky trails off.

She wants to know if anyone knew her mother. She may try and hide it, but it's obvious that Becky wants to know more about her past, and her parents. 

Suddenly there's a tugging on my shirt and I look down to see Kay has somehow snuck up on me while I was focused on Max and Becky.

She stares up at me with those huge, pleading eyes, her face the portrait of childlike innocence.

"I'm sorry, Kay." I say, stooping down so my face is level with hers. "But we can't bring you with us. Without you, who will look over the new harvest?"

She frowns for second, but nods and squares her shoulders, turning on her heel and gliding out of the room, most likely to go check over the planting of new trees and fertilization. 

"You are forgetting a vital part of this." Sylvia says as I push off the door where I was leaning, walking down the aisle.

"And what is that?"I ask, stopping when I reach Max and Becky.

"Permission." Sylvia smirks.

"Permission....?" I trail off, watching as Sylvia steps aside to reveal Lager who was silent the whole time, sitting on the throne with a closed off expression.

For a few seconds, the only sound in the room is silence.

"I don't see why...," Lager finally speaks up, his voice controlled and calm, "She would need permission from me. As she is not an official citizen of Highclere yet, I have no control over her as the High Commander."

I let out a breath of relief, but my new relaxed state doesn't last long, because although the words Lager speaks are exactly what I wanted to hear, something about him is off.

"Well, you heard him." I smile nervously, turning to Becky and Max. "Let's go pack our bags. It would be better to arrive at Lucem Villa as soon as possible."

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