To Us

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i still think of you,when i rest my head on the pillow, or when i crash and die a little. i still dream of you, even in the darkest of them, and even though, i still long for all that you've been. walking down this same old road, i long for you and the time that we stole. because even through all the lost innocence, we dreamt of our existence. long,long,long ago i gave upon you and nurtured you none. because you were me,and we were done. long long long ago, i dreamed no further then what i could plan, i was a lost cause and failure of a man. i still think of you, long before that, where all we had were dreams, and smiles at that. now all i can see is rain, and hear thunderclaps. with a far distant sunshine, just out of my clasp. i wake up, wishing to fall back asleep, but just to my surprise, ive ran out of sheep, so i lay there aching, tired and weak, please just kill me, its been a hell of a week. but i get up anyway, and paint a smile on my face, because remember, you arent societies charity case. i still remember you, just please for my sake, do us a favor, dont listen to those snakes.

Thoughts Of Me, Sorry.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora