||Chapter 13||

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"Hello, Miss Cecelia, Miss Olivia" Sergio says smiling as I get in the car with Olivia.

"Ohhhh Sergio I've missed you so much," I say hugging him as I get into the front seat.

"How have things been with you," He says driving along the main road. I sigh recalling the last week.

"Remember the guy that I told you about the one I met during summer" I look at Sergio and he nods his head.

"And you remember Tatum that I told you about when I got back?" He nods his head again and clears his throat.

"Well they're brothers and I was out with Tatum when a girl poured a strawberry shake on me and I had to take my hood off and he saw me then I went to this party and the other brother ripped my hood off and the party-"

"Wait wait wait so you went to a party?," Sergio says overly excited.

"Yeah but uh-"

"And w-what hood did you put that strawberry hood back on?," he asks motioning with one hand.

"Tate gave me his hood and then River took it off again then I stopped wearing the hood to school and now Tates not talking to me," I say running out of breath.

"So which one do you want me to kill?" He asks chucking.

Although I knew he was joking Sergio did have the skills to in fact kill either if not both of them.

"Neither of them," I say defeated. I let out a sigh and look out the window for the rest of the drive.


The whole ride Oliva talked about different ballet moves she already knew and all the ballerina buns she wanted me to learn to do on her hair.

I hold her hand and walk her up the steps "You look pretty today Cece" My little sister says smiling at me.

"You look beautiful Olivia," I say kissing her forehead.

"Do you weally hate potato" She says squinting her eyes due to the sun.

Tate and my sister talked once or twice on the phone a while back and she keeps asking me about 'potato'

I laugh and shake my head "No I don't hate potato but we need to get you to class" I said pinching the end of her nose and walking her the rest of the way upstairs.

"-and one two one two" I hear the ballet teacher calling to the other little girls.

I walk Olivia to the front desk and sign her in.

"Are you excited?" I say squeezing her hand.

She nods her head almost aggressively. "Good," I say kissing the top of her head.

She runs into the class with the other girls and waves goodbye to me.

I felt like a mother dropping their kid off on the first day of school.

I walk out of the ballet school with a smile on my face.Sergio wouldn't be back for at least an hour so I decide to grab a milkshake from the diner near the school.

I walk in and order a mint oreo shake for me and a berry banana shake for Olivia then continue to walk around the diner.

In a far corner booth, I see a familiar face sitting with a guy.

I wait till I catch his attention. When he finally looks up I wave and smile. He calls me over and I follow.I walk towards him and stop at the end of the table.

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