Forgotten Time, Incessant Bond

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Runexi's note: unedited chapter. Much apologies for errors. m(_ _)m


As soon as they reached the immortal plane, Lei and YuLan were greeted by the heavenly siblings, as well as the various deities and Immortals residing in the heavenly realm.

Even the Heavenly Emperor, the oldest of the five, was there to welcome the new Immortal. Especially when the new Immortal was personally sought by and selected by the Sky Deity himself. The fourth(1) heavenly son was there as well; Hell King, all dressed in black, stood solemnly by his brothers and sister's side.

"Huang,(2) about Bian... ," Lei slowly approached the subject he had always wanted to discuss with the Heavenly Emperor. 

Although Bian had tried to rectify his mistakes, his past deed had caused too much chaos in the three thousand mortal worlds. Even now, malice roamed over those worlds, cutting short various mortals' and spirits' fated lives. The worlds' living residents' fates became messy, causing all sorts of headache for the Scribe of Fate and the Hell King.

Because of his selfish desire, he had failed his duty as the Seer of souls. Karma must be fixed, mistakes must not go unpunished. More so, Bian was a deity that should have guarded these streams of souls.

The Hell King, Tian Shi(3), coldly said, "The best punishment is to let him undergo mortal tribulations. Only then, he would understand the consequences of his actions. Let his mortal selves learn about life and death himself."

Bian stayed silent.

"But the Endless Water must be guarded," Ming sighed, "The only ones who can do what he does, are us, the only deities who are able to see the threads of souls. Even Yue is not able to do that."

Amongst the spectating deities and Immortals, Yue solemnly stood. There was nothing he could do or say, as the issue was way beyond his jurisdiction or standing. He was only there as a witness, before having to go on his journey for his already-delayed mortal tribulations. 

Tian Huang nodded as he pursed his lips, "You are correct. Although as the first true deities, we possessed abilities that no one else has, at the same time, it becomes our weakness. Hence, apart from Lei who presides over a domain that always exists in the three thousand worlds, none of us have the luxury to leave our domains."

Ming frowned, "But that is exactly why Bian was almost corrupted. The chain that has bound him to his domain, became the restriction that tempted him to seek what he could otherwise experience in the mortal worlds. But if he does not go through this tribulations soon, his already weak karma would just exhaust his existence more over time."

Lei's lips were tugged in a light smile as he smiled at the ashen-looking Bian, "However, you all have forgotten something. Bian had done exactly the one thing that could very well help himself, and lessen the extent of his misdeed."

He asked the white-haired Seer, "Bian, did you or did  you not grant your soul power to two humans in the last world I had been reincarnated into?"

"Yes... . But really, I could do that because I had received your soul power, Lei, when you imparted it to me. So I actually just passed to them a bit of your power that you have given me." The Seer slowly answered, glancing towards YuLan - one of the mortals Lei mentioned, to whom he had given that power to. As she already possessed Lei's part of soul, she had attained Immortality without any issue.

The other mortal was still in the world below, having not yet gained the qualification and the enlightenment needed to open the path to the heavenly realm. Bian only imparted a bit of his soul power back then, for that male human to be able to help Lei's mortal self.

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