5 | Hairpins and Hats

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Mr. Weasley told the group that they couldn't put up the tent with magic, so he tried to put it up the normal way. After watching him struggle for a few minutes, Hermione took over and pulled Y/n to help her. Fred simply stood next to his twin, admiring Y/n and her muggle knowledge. He felt a nudge to his side and realized he was staring. Judging by their smug looks, Fred could tell George, Ron and Harry had noticed that. Fred rolled his eyes and looked away, this time only stealing occasional glances at her.

It didn't take long for the two girls to put the tent up. When they were done Mr. Weasley opened the entrance and entered, beckoning the teenagers to follow him. One by one, each of them entered, Fred grabbing Y/n by the arm and pulling her inside after George.

''Woah,'' Y/n spoke as she looked around, taking in the interior. She'd never seen something quite like it – it looked so small on the outside, yet inside there were two bedrooms, a kitchen and a small living room, and a bathroom. It was so . . . magical. ''This is awesome.''

Fred rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassment lacing his voice ''It's old.''

''It feels homey, though.'' Y/n looked up at him. ''I like it.'' Fred smiled down at her as she continued looking around. 

''Okay, boys on the left, girls on the right. Choose a bed and then come outside for lunch.''

''See you in a minute,'' Y/n called as she grabbed her bag from Fred's shoulder, then following after Hermione and Ginny. Fred followed her with his eyes until she disappeared behind the curtain.

''You've fallen hard, Frederik,'' Ron said as he put a hand on his brothers' shoulder.

''Shut it, Ronald.'' Harry and Ron sniggered at Fred's answer, then walked towards the boys' room. Fred followed and after him and George claimed one of the bunk beds as theirs, they made their way back outside.

''-is really useful. I always have one when we go camping, just in case.'' Fred heard Y/n's voice from outside. He opened the tent and poked his head out, seeing his dad and Y/n standing in front of a campfire. Y/n was holding a small device in her hand and when she pressed it, fire appeared. She lowered it to the branches and they lit up.

''This is fascinating,'' Mr. Weasley spoke as he watched the flames. ''What was it called again?''

''A lighter,'' Y/n repeated as she handed the object over to him. ''I like your admiration for these muggle things, Mr. Weasley. Even though we aren't all that interesting you find us so admirable.''

''It is interesting to learn, I must admit,'' Mr. Weasley said as he fumbled with the lighter, turning it on and watching the fire. Fred smiled at the sight, happy that she was getting along with his parents so much. Maybe that was a sign.

Bill, Charlie and Percy apparated just in time for lunch. After they'd eaten, the group sat around the fire, chatting idly with each other. The twins and Y/n huddled in a circle, moving a bit further from the group and the fire.

''You're going to do what?''

''We're going to bet Ludo Bagman on the match,'' the twins repeated in the same time.

''Our guess is that Ireland will win-''

''-but Krum will catch the snitch!''

''You know that's almost impossible, right?'' Y/n eyed the two.

''Almost impossible, love. Have some faith in us!'' Fred said.

''Ludo Bagman is a crook.'' Y/n tried to reason with them. The twins merely looked at each other and shrugged.

When Ludo Bagman did show up, the twins gave him almost all of their savings and did their bet. Bagman looked eager to take the twins' money, most likely convinced they'll loose. The twins didn't mind his delighter expression, since they were pretty confident they'll win the bet. Percy's boss, Barty Crouch, came over as well, calling Percy 'Weatherby', which had the whole Weasley clan laughing.

''Hey, guys, do you want to come and look at the souvenirs with me?'' Y/n spoke as she got up and stretched.

''Yeah, sure,'' Fred spoke as he got up as well, though George made no indication of moving. ''George, you coming?''

''I think I'll pass. I'm kind of tired,'' George said and yawned. ''I'm going to take a nap.''

Fred raised an eyebrow at his twin as Y/n informed the others where they were going. When she turned around and started walking away George looked at his twin and gave him a wink. It took him a second, but Fred realized what he meant and blushed slightly, though he was thankful nonetheless.

''So, you're taking Transfiguration, Potions, Herbology, Defense Against the Dark Arts and Charms?'' Fred repeated, putting two and two together. ''You want to be an Auror?''

''I mean, I guess that's what I'm aiming at, though I don't really know if that's my dream job,'' Y/n confessed.

''What is your dream job, then?'' Fred asked, but instead of answering him, Y/n just shrugged. ''You know, if the Auror thing doesn't work out, you know a third of the shop is yours.''

Y/n smiled and looked at the ground, kicking a small pebble. ''I know, you've told me so many times and I'm really thankful, but you and George came up with it and most of its products.''

''You help us a lot, too!'' Fred exclaimed. ''Besides, you're, like, the only person that actually supports us. Well, you and Lee.''

Y/n remained quiet, deciding not to comment. She knew he was right, but she didn't want to interfere that deep into something that Fred and George have been dreaming about for years.

They made it to the makeshift shops at last, looking around the different souvenirs. There were figures of the different players, hats, scarfs, flags and more things you could wear to support your team of choice. Fred took a look at one of the tables as he walked along with Y/n. It had Irish hairpins and hats, and Fred really took a liking to one of the flower hairpins.

''How much for that?'' Fred asked as he approached the seller.

''Five sickles,'' the witch said, holding up three fingers. Fred dug in his pocket, taking out the amount he needed from the small amount of money him and George had spared from betting. He paid the witch and picked up one of the clips, then looked up and looked for Y/n.

He spotted her eyeing up two Irish scarfs on the stand next to the one he was standing at, so he walked over. ''Why two?''

''Godric, Fred.'' Y/n put a hand over her heart and turned to look at him. ''One for you and one for George.''

Fred took the scarf and gave her a small smile. ''Thanks, love. You didn't have to,'' he said, then handed her the hairpin. ''I got you something, too.''

''It's so pretty!'' Y/n took it from his hand and put it in her hair, looking to the side so he can take a look of it. ''Does it look good?''

''Very.'' Y/n grinned and wrapped her arm around his again. The two decided to head back after they'd bought some face paint, since they still had to get ready for the match.

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