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"The fire in my blood
is both a curse and a blessing
for I always need something to burn"

"The fire in my blood is both a curse and a blessingfor I always need something to burn"

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until the summer break is over.  One more day until school starts again.

 And already objects and clothes flew through her entire room, because of Nova's rummaging.  She didn't care as long as she could find her beloved spellbook.  But nothing.  Nada.  She couldn't find it, even after she turned her entire room upside down.

 Nova let out a loud sigh and propped her arms on her hip.

 "Maybe someone else saw it," she thought, running out of her messy room.

 "Mom did you see my spellbook?" She asked frustrated and ran down the stairs, where she found her mother, Hayley Marshall, with her aunts, Freya and Rebekah.  They were engrossed in something, but didn't stop arguing, even as Nova repeated her question a third time, only when she throw a vase off the table.

 "Nova, this vase could have been an antique," Freya reasoned with her.

 "Well no one listened to me and I can fix it later", Nova reasoned back and started to feel bad again.

 "We don't have time right now, Nova, please talk fast," Hayley told her and sighed loudly.

"As always", she thought and mentally rolled her eyes.

 "I just wanted to know if anyone of you saw my spellbook?", Nova asked shyly and started to play with her fingers.

 "I gave it to Hope, she accidentally burned hers, so I gave it to her, because she needed to study," Freya told her, though she knew that Nova will write an important exam in two days.

 "But I have to study for myself," she said desperately, on the urge to cry.

 "Don't be so selfish, you can buy a new one tomorrow at school", her mother answered to her desperateness and tried to go back to what she was doing before she was disturbed by her second born daughter.

 "Great, just great", Nova thought to herself and rolled her eyes.

 "Do you know where Hope is, so I can ask her to use her 'new' book? ", I asked her and tried not to sound to harshly.

 "She's on an outing with your father", Rebekah answered for the three older women, not even giving her niece a glare.

 "Without me again?", She thought heartbroken.

 It was not the first time that she was left out, just a few months ago the twins had their birthday, but only Hope got the birthday she desired for.  There was a big celebration with a theme and she got a lot of presents, her five minute younger sister got nothing but a piece of Hope's favorite cake and was vilified for not showing any respect to her older sister and not showing up to her  birthday party.

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