Prologue: Cassandra

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"You are going and that is final!" My father's voice boomed throughout his office. I crossed my arms over my chest and sunk into my chair in a pout. I was lucky to have been able to avoid this stupid dance for the past three years.

"If Cole is going to be Alpha I don't see much of a reason for me to go. I thought it was only important for the next Alpha to be mated?" I fired back slamming my fists on my lap. Anger reverberated throughout my body, why couldn't he see that I don't want to go?

"Cole may be the next Alpha, However, you have alpha blood which means if anything were to happen to your brother you would be the next in line to take over. And frankly it makes things much easier if you are mated." My father ground out through clenched teeth. He glared at me, his eyes daring me to continue and promising punishment if I did. With a huff I stood up from my chair and stormed out of his office. I made my exit with a slam of his door causing splitters to fly from the door frame.

Banging through the double doors to the pack house, I use everything in me to hold back from shifting since I didn't want to ruin my favorite Nirvana t-shirt.

"Hey sis-" I shove past Cole ignoring him calling out to me, I needed to go for a run, alone. I slip out of my t-shirt and shorts tossing them to the side as I break out into a sprint. In an instant I leap and transform into my dark brown wolf, landing on my paws I let my wolf take over as we ran off the frustration and stress. Slowing down I come to my favorite spot in our territory, the lake. It was where I spent most of my time as a kid with my mother. She had died when I was ten during a rogue attack, she did everything she could to protect me and my brother but lost her life in the process. My father was known to be the best Alpha in the east, even after losing his mate he continued to watch over our pack with power and authority. Although Cole and I saw him when he was at his worst, he had hidden the pain he was in from everyone. I can't help but to link my mother's death to my father's urgency to find my mate. In all honesty I was scared, not of finding my mate, but of losing them.

Mates are supposed to protect and be there for you, to treat you as their equal, to make our lives better. After what happened three years ago I haven't the slightest desire to find my mate. I am perfectly fine on my own.

A branch cracked behind me and I lowered myself ready to lunge if I needed to. A copper colored wolf emerged from behind the tree with a wolfish grin. The scent of the wolf told me everything I needed to know, it was Fletcher, my best friend. He bounced around me as he swatted his paws at me and rolled around on the ground. I huffed in response, swatting at him and taking off in a sprint. For the next hour we ran around nipping and swatting at each other. After some time we had gotten tired and went behind tree's to shift back. I grabbed one of the large t-shirts off the branch next to me and slipped it on over my head letting the fabric fall just below my knees. Coming from behind the tree I see Fletcher standing with a grin on his face and blue basketball shorts on.

"What's got your panties in a twist today?" He asked as he approached me. I crossed my arms and couldn't help the frown that slipped onto my lips. Fletcher always knew when I was in a bad mood, or got into an argument with my father, which was something that has started to happen more often.

"I have to go to the Moon dance this year." I stated as we started our walk back to the pack house. Fletcher simply nodded as he pursed his lips, his gaze never leaving mine as he thought.

"What's so bad about that? Don't you want to meet your mate?" He asked, nudging me with his elbow. I turned to him with a look of disgust at the question.

"You know me Fletch, I have no desire to find my mate." Fletcher shrugged and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, his embrace calming me ever so slightly. Fletcher and I imprinted on each other the moment we became friends, which meant he would do everything in his power to protect me as I would for him. It did not make us mates nor sexually attracted to each other. It simply meant that our wolves recognized each other as spiritual protectors.

"Alpha Parker is just looking out for you. I know that you've had a rough time since what happened with you-know-who, but you've gotta give it a chance. You never know what might happen. One thing for sure, I'm hoping I'll meet my mate this year.." His eyes sparkled in anticipation. I cringed internally at how much of a lovesick puppy he is even if he hasn't met his mate yet.

"As the Alpha's daughter you have to be ready for anything that could happen. What if-"

"I'm tired of the 'what ifs' I just want to be able to live my life without the constant threat that the pack will be pushed upon me. I'm sure Cole is more than capable of taking care of our pack." I fired back already fed up with the conversation. I am confident in my brother and his ability to lead the pack, I've watched him train for years and rest assured he is more than capable.

"We're just looking out for you, a mate is a once in a lifetime thing and Alpha parker would hate for you not to be able to take part in the process of having a mate. '' Fletcher sighed, rubbing my shoulders soothingly. Fletcher was right, although I hated to admit when he was right. A pang of guilt settled in my chest at the thought that I had a mate out there and others either are never blessed with one, or lose theirs to death.

We arrived back at the pack house to see my brother Cole pacing outside the front doors. He suddenly stopped in his tracks and his head shot up from looking down to where I stood. Cole frowned slightly as he started walking towards us taking long strides. His arms came out pulling me into a hug, I stood stunned at first before I quickly wrapped my arms around him as well.

"Dad told me what happened." He whispered. I nodded solemnly, he hated when dad and I would argue. Cole had always been the peacemaker between the two of us, I was far too hot headed to be able to handle a pissing match with my father especially if it meant I would end up hurt, punished, or both. "I know, you don't want to go...But do it for mom. Who knows, you may not even find your mate at this dance." Fletcher tried to reassure me but something at the back of my mind told me he was farther from the truth.

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