Chapter 27: Cassandra

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My head throbbed...I don't remember what happened.

"Alpha's your mate should be fine soon. I did find copious amounts of wolfsbane in her system. We were able to get as much out as possible. Luna may be weak for a couple of weeks as it works it's way out of her system." I could faintly hear the pack doctor say. head is killing me. That's right, Greyson had his stupid guards inject wolfsbane into my food, with the little amount I ate I'm surprised it was still in my system.

"Thank you, Doctor. We should be back in a few hours, if our mate awakens before we are back contact us immediately." Jeremiah's voice was hard.

Day's passed as I lay in my unconscious state, while I could hear bits and pieces of what was going on around me I still could not open my eyes.

"We love you, baby...Please wake up soon." Josiah's usual gruff voice was soft against my head as I felt him place a kiss onto my forehead. I thought back to what the moon goddess told me, I had no idea how I was supposed to run all wolves. We lived in packs, often separate since many alpha's could not be in the same space without the possibility of a fight. How Is this going to work? I spent my time wandering around my mind, taking peaks at the abilities I had. I could control some of the elements, primarily the earth. I could use rays of light to subdue my enemies, and I can master mind control as well as taking peaks into others minds without them knowing. That one I probably won't be using too often. I let myself fall back into a deep slumber for the dozenth time.

Bright lights penetrated my eyelids as they began to flutter open.

"Luna?" I groaned attempting to lift my hand to my throbbing head, unfortunately my hands were still not in working condition.

"How long--'' I started but my throat closed dryly. The doors to my room slammed open as I squinted to find my mates standing in the doorway. Plopping my head back down I let out another groan of pain, I needed water, and quick.

"Love? Can you hear us?" Jeremiah cooed from my right.

"Here, drink something." Josiah offered from my left. I nodded slowly allowing Josiah to lift my head and bring the glass to my lips. The cool liquid soothed my aching throat as I quickly drank the water. "Slow down, Love." Jeremiah chuckled, taking my hand in his.

Finishing the water I gasped for breath finally feeling my body listen to me. I gave Jeremiah's hand a slight squeeze and smile, he leaned forward placing a gentle kiss onto my lips.

"What did I miss?" I ask slowly sitting up with the assistance of my mates.

"Not much. We've been waiting for you to wake up, we have the witch in custody and we did not want to do anything without you." Josiah explained pulling up a chair and taking a seat next to me. I nodded slowly.

"When are we going to see her? Is there any details that I need to know before we do?" I shot question after question out not taking the time to take a breath. I took a deep inhale, my body fighting me after being in one state for too long.

"Slow down, Love. We will take care of things soon. Right now what's important is your health. How are you feeling?" Jeremiah asked, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Still a bit sore, but I'll live." I smile weakly. Honestly, I was in major pain. My head was throbbing, my bones and joints ached as if they shifted unnaturally.

"How are you feeling, Luna?" The pack doctor asked as he walked in followed by a nurse.

"I'm okay." I respond not wanting my mates to know about my pain. The doctor checked my eyes and listened to my heart before briefly tapping my joints and muscles. I cringed under the tap which sent pain shooting through my libs.

"I see you're having pain in your limbs?" He asked me to write notes down in a book.

"Yes." I nod slowly.

"Just as I suspected. You shifted into a lycan for the first time a couple days ago. That is most likely what your pain is from." He nodded setting down his clipboard.

"Luna, before you were simply a wolf. But now you have shifted and have become a full Lycan. While you can still shift into wolf form you can also shift into a hybrid. It's almost like a half shift, you'll shift partially when your spine, snout, and claws will extend. Frankly, this is very uncommon, in fact it's never been heard of in over two decades." The doctor finished setting down my chart and checking my eyes.

"For now get some rest, stay close to your mates as this will help speed up the health process." I nodded glancing over at my mates, my loves.

Jeremiah held me in his arms as we walked back to the pack house.

"What happened to Greyson?" I whisper, my memory still lost.

"You killed him." Josiah stated in a cold voice. I nodded silently before leaning my head against Jeremiah's chest. I felt warm and fuzzy, being away from my mates for too long really took a toll on me.

"We need to have a discussion." Josiah grunted out rushing past us. Opening the pack door he allowed Jeremiah to carry me through first before following closely behind. We walked through the halls before stopping and heading into their office.

"Serenity, Aofie, and Bryan are on their way." Jeremiah rumbled taking a seat behind his desk. Josiah pulled up his chair next to his brothers before taking me from his brother's lap and sitting me down on his.

Serenity walked into the room, her smooth dark skin glowing, I glanced at her raising an eyebrow. She only smirked and shook her head, mouthing that she would tell me later, I nodded before turning my attention to Aofie and Bryan as they walked in, Aofie looked a mess. His long hair was tied in a messy bun instead of his usual neat bun, his eyes had dark circles under them, and looked slightly pale.

"Are you feeling alright, Aofie?" I asked, running my eyes over him once again. He nodded slowly, his eyes meeting mine. 'I need to speak with you later...Alone.' Aofie mind linked me. I nodded a frown finding its way onto my face.

"Now that our mate is awake we wanted to discuss the fate of the witch we are holding in the cells." Josiah began.

"As we know the witch, Gisele, is Serenity's mother. While I would hate to have to kill her, we still do not know her motives." Jeremiah continued.

"Bryan, we had left you to interrogate her, what did you find out?" Josiah asked as his hand found its way to my thigh.

"It seems that she is hiding from the witch counsel. They found out that she let a wolf mate her, and they were not happy about that." Bryan began leaning forward and crossing his arms over his broad chest.

"She was mated to a wolf in Serenity's previous pack, he was later killed for having mated with a witch by his alpha. They were true mates, a pairing that is very uncommon. Gisele said she loved him, and after finding out her daughter is a wolf as well as an oracle she had to leave the pack or risk being killed herself. The previous alpha had her living with them as he wanted a witch that could make him stronger than other packs. Unfortunately as he spiraled into madness after the death of his mate he threatened her life as well which is why she fled back to the witches. Where they proceeded to have a trial, and have been searching for her ever since." Bryan glanced over at Serenity with sympathy.

"She started working with Greyson as he offered protection from the witches and the chance to be reunited with her daughter, but her lapse in judgement landed her with another crazed alpha. He kept her against his will and threatened to hand her over to the witches if she disobeyed him." Bryan finished sitting back in his seat and letting out a breath.

"Serenity, since Gisele is your mother we wanted you here to decide what to do with her." Josiah offered. Serenity nodded looking down at her hands and twisted them in her lap.

"I think she could be of use to us, especially after the stuff Cassie went through. I also wouldn't mind getting to know my mother. There may be some magic stuff that she can teach me, that I can't learn on my own." Serenity smiled sheepishly.

"Is that alright with you, Love?" Jeremiah asked, glancing over to me. As much as I did not trust Gisele, it was not my place to decide if she lived or not. I nodded with a smile spreading onto my lips.

"Sounds good to me." 

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