13. Heaven and Earth

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It was drizzling again as though the clouds wanted to pour out the last vestiges of tears before autumn arrives.

But it came so suddenly.

Yin Hua Lei was about to visit Yin fu when it rained. She hadn't boarded her carriage yet as she looked up the sky.

But she still decided to continue her short travel back home. After all, it was just a thin sheet of rain.

As she was about to lift her skirt, the corners of her eye caught a commotion on the street.

The scene caused her heart to stop and then palpitate, her lips immediately forming words: "Zhao Gang!"

For once, she didn't mind the volume of her voice as it soon drowned amidst the sounds of horses neighing and flailing wildly.

A shadow darted between the two carriages which were about to clash. In a flash, along with the rain, red liquid also flowed.

The street quieted down as the two horses dropped to the ground with a sickening thud.

Some people watched in horror while a figure emerged from the entanglement. The tall and masked man was solemnly holding a jaded child in his embrace, especially making sure that her pure eyes wouldn't be tainted with the violence around them.

"Gods, whose little child is that? The kid almost died there!" One exclaimed.

"The one who saved her is probably Princess Gao Le's people. I saw her shout just before..."

"Good thing her Highness was quick or else... The kid would have died so young!"

"En... Her Highness is truly benevolent. Look! Even personally holding the traumatized child!"

Waves of praises sounded under the rain.

But the subject of their talk couldn't care less.

Yin Hua Lei took the child and placed her over her bosom. She herself wasn't aware that her limbs were badly trembling.

Zhao Gang who saw her was a bit hesitant to hand the toddler but his mistress was adamant.

Yin Hua Lei barely held herself together but she knew she was still outside. The most she could do was hold the child and quickly get inside her palace. She even lost the ability to speak.

For a second, her maidservants were flustered with these series of events. But Zhao Gang, in a rarely heard serious tone said, "Serve mistress!"

Then proceeded to personally order to shut the gates and park the unused carriage.

Xin Tao and Xin Ling immediately woke up from their trance.

Mistress walked under the rain!

So they hurriedly went after her. Xin Ling opened a huge oiled paper parasol while Xin Tao advanced to prepare a warm bath and fresh set of clothes.

Yin Hua Lei was only focused on sheltering the ball of warmth in her bosom. The child obediently kept quiet as she was still shaken by the accident. Yin Hua Lei could feel the slightest tremor from the meek young one.

Gao Le palace servants were really efficient. In only a quarter of a shichen, Yin Hua Lei and the rescued kid had changed to warmer clothes. Hot ginger tea was also served to avoid catching a cold.

"Mistress should drink too before it cools." Xin Tao had to remind Yin Hua Lei as the latter was too preoccupied spoon feeding the child.

Not once did their mistress let go of the small dumpling. This was too much of a privilege for the child ah! They didn't even know her origins.

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