Chapter 5

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A/N: Please note that the chapters have not been fully edited and if there are any spelling mistakes I apologize.

Everyone has finished eating and my brother hasn't said a word this whole time. He is a horrible liar so when my mom notices how quite he has been she stares at him and he looks very nervous.

"There is something I need to say," my brother stands up from his chair and all eyes are on him. Please don't do this in front of the guests! I look at him with pleading eyes but he just ignores me. "Mom, I am going to be a father." He says in one breath, everyone gasps and my mom excuses herself and my brother from the table. I mouth good luck to him and he nods getting dragged away by my mom. I am now beyond uncomfortable.

"Well thank you for inviting us over," Caroline says while they all get up from there seats.

"It's no problem," I say looking down at the floor, that is until I feel a warm hand on my shoulder.

"You might wanna close your curtains while you're changing," he whispers in my ear sending shivers down my body. I feel myself blush as he leaves my house with a smirk on his face.

That just happened.

Wait! He saw me naked! Mom prepare my death bed, I want to be wearing a sweatshirt and sweatpants when I am being buried. Oh and don't forget to keep my necklace on me!

I hear screaming from upstairs and that is my cue to leave the house. I start walking down the street but I stop when I see Scarlet and Tom kissing each other down the road. I smile but gag because seeing basically my brother make out with my best friend is kind of gross. I love them together but I guess I didn't really think about PDA. I quickly back away but run into a hard chest.

"Whatcha watching?" He says looking at me.

"Um nothing?" I say to Matt but it came out more as a question. Then he looks over my shoulder and realization crosses his face. I look back at them trying not to stare into his dazzling eyes.

"Hey that's the Tom guy isn't it?" He asks.

"Um yeah," I say and then Scar sees me and she waves me over. Then she sees who is beside me and she freezes. Her straight red hair getting blown in the wind. Her green eyes piercing through my soul. She going to kill me! I walk over to her and she looks flustered but very angry.

"I'm Matt," he says taking his hand out for Scar to shake it. She nods and then takes his hand. He looks at her and when she doesn't respond I cue in.

"Sorry, this is Scarlet. She is mute which is why she didn't introduce herself." I look at Scar then at Tom and then at Matt. Matt is looking at me with something I can't really tell in his eyes.

And then I look and see Scar staring at me like she is about to rip out my soul.

I cough awkwardly. Cheezus does my whole life have to be awkward?!

I know that she wants to know what the heck is going on with me and Matt. But there is nothing so I just won't tell her. She starts doing sign language 'what the hell is happening? Are you two like a couple!'

I sign back 'What no! He is just my neighbour and goes to my school!'

"You sure about that Belle? I can break his nose," right I forgot that Tom was standing there. I look over to Matt who looks so confused.

"Yes I'm sure!" I say looking back at all of them. "Anyways, I'm...running...Yeah I'm going on a run!" Tom and Scar burst out laughing.

"You, Bella Snow are going on a run?!" Tom laughs once again clutching his stomach and tears are running down his face.

I pout and look at them.

Whisperजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें