Last Author's Note

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Please read this. 

Wow. Last author's note. 

I want to thank each and every single one of you for reading this book. Thank you for all the votes and comments that you've left on every chapter. They really did make my day. I truly appreciate it. Without you guys, this book wouldn't have been possible. 

I want to thank two people in particular- @JemimaHelen and @PrateekshaKarat for being two amazingly supportive and cool best friends any girl could ask for.  @JemimaHelen is the one who helped me realize that I could actually write. She's the one who encouraged me to write and heard me go on and on about the ideas I had for hours. @PrateekshaKarat is the one who has encouraged me to share my work on Wattpad AND she is the mastermind who I like to work with to plot my story lines. If I've got an idea, first person I tell is her. She has super crazy ideas but we always end up with something good ;)

@aaditisingh and @dream_catcher_x are also two completely crazy and lovely friends who bear with me all the time and actually give me advice on what I should do to make my work better and just fantasize with me ;) Oh! They ship Jathan! xD (Jared and Ethan.) Don't even ask about it xD LOL.

All in all, I just love all of you a lot! Everyone who's read, voted, commented and made covers for this book. I can't thank you guys enough for supporting me. :)

Wow ._. I sound so emotional. Lol

Anyway, I've seen quite a few writers do this and I thought of doing it too Many of them have arranged something called 'one shot competitions.'  No, I'm not planning to have one. But I just wanted to let all of you know that if you want to write any one shots, go ahead. I would be more than happy to read them! :) Just make sure to dedicate it to me and send me the link to it via message. I promise I'll read each and every one of them. 
To those of you who are into graphics, if you want to make me any banners or book covers or just a picture with a quote from the book..anything actually, go ahead! :D 
You can either mail it to me at (don't ask, lol) or upload it to any image sharing website and pm me the link. :)   




My Best Friend's Brotherजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें