Chapter 46

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Aurora's POV:

After everyone was gone, I stood in the kitchen, leaning against the counter and digging into an entire chocolate pie.

I've been eating a lot more these days and I'm kind of happy about it. I've developped quite the appetite recently.

Finishing up the entire pie, I wash the plate I've ate in and head upstairs. Today's been so long and I just want to sleep.

I'm so cheery though. I was bummed about the whole situation that happened with my dad but seeing my in laws made me feel so much better. I'm glad I can make them happy.

Closing the door to the bedroom behind me,
I yawn and make my way to the bed. Not a sound was to be heard.

I lay back on the bed, humming to myself as I stare up at the ceiling. Thinking about everything that has happened in my life. Thinking about everything that led up to this moment. I wouldn't have it any other way. I have food, water, clothes. I have people who care for me. And I'm about to start a family. All thanks to him...

I miss him when he's not here. I want him to be with me all the time but I know a man with a social status like his is very busy. I understand that.

I know for a fact that if once I tell him I want him to stay with me, he'll drop everything and do exactly that. But it'll be selfish for me to ask that.

Right now, I'm just waiting for him to come home so we can go to sleep.

Half an hour later, I hear him come in. Just the sight of him makes my heart beat faster. He peels off his suit jacket and flings it over the couch as I sit up on the bed and watch him.


"You okay?" He says, his eyes watching over me as I nod at him.

"I'll be a minute." He winks, walking over to the closet. 

"Wait." I blurt out, standing up from the bed. He stops and snaps his head at me.

I grab his hand that was by his side and stand on my tiptoes. His arms go to my waist to secure me as my hands now move to his chest. I look up at him with a small smile and he tucks his lip between his teeth as he looks to down at my lips.

I want to thank him for everything he's done. I was really down today but he managed to cheer me up. That was so thoughtful of him.

Without thought, I place my lips on him and move them against. He kisses back but it's not rough and harsh. It's nice and tender. I like it.

I eventually pull out and place my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. He kisses on my head and strokes my hair.

It's simple moments like these that make me feel so safe and happy. The comfort I feel by his touch... it's a lot.

"I love you."

These three words were just sitting at the tip of my tongue. I didn't even think when I said them. I didn't process them. But they expressed everything I felt at that moment. I meant to say thank you but to be honest, I couldn't have worded it better.

"What did you say?" He asks in disbelief, pulling me out of his embrace as my eyes flicker over his face.

"I love you." I shyly confess, feeling my cheeks heat up.

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