Round #5 Partners

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These are the poetry club partners for the fifth week. You will have until midnight of next Sunday (in Eastern Daylight Time) to finish giving feedback to your partner.

Members' works are listed on the members' page, so if you don't know which works you need to be commenting on, please look there.

Please be responsible and give feedback on at least the required number of parts/chapters (five). Be thoughtful and considerate. Our goal is to help each other grow as poets.

If you have any questions, feel free to comment or send a direct message to . We are always ready to help.

Here are the partners:

be_more_you and MimiZanna

PrinceLeviathan and graciewrites11

SkywalkerReigns and Monicaxzz

b_rogue and Hierius

asmithereader and GloweyTheBear

FranchetteMay and Repulsify

Lillian6224 and Riodejenerio

Juliebean_bag and Krystal_heart16

pencilmaster32 and logicallymagical

d_Punam and Violetxrose1235

shadowhunter_anu and renegirl123

-luckystrike- and AmberGW

EveryDayImFrigginGay and preposterous_poet

kyrrai and ElizaVivianRose

TonyTervin and Aishit_ero

ridhima2807 and Anubis_king

TearsAsInk and some_anonymous_poet

torturedArtist932 and tatteredsoul_

transparent_echoes and peachandashes

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