Chapter 7

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*Beth's P.O.V.*

He stand there silent, not moving. It's killing me. I have always been an awkward person when there is silence.

"You babysit now," He asks and I shake my head.

"No." I say and gulp. At this I set her car seat down and take her out. I carry her over and sit down on a chair across from the couch, while Ryder just stared.

"She's mine, Ryder," I say while he just keeps staring.

"What the hell do you mean she yours, as in your baby," He asks, kind of loudly.

"Don't yell, you will scare her," I say, as calmly as I can.

"I can't believe you have a daughter," He says, and starts to look at her more intently.

"Why are you telling me in private, and why are you---," He then stops and a look of astonishment comes over his face.

"No, she's not--," He stops talking then and looks at me, staring right into my eyes.

I nod my head and start to turn around.

"And you kept this a secret, for how long? I haven't even talked to you in 1 year and you say I have a kid." He says his voice getting louder again.

I once again shush him and give him a look.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. Please, you can't tell Matt, he doesn't know yet." I give him another look, a desperate look.

"What's her name?" he says quietly and it's almost sweet the way he says it. He stares at her, his gaze not wavering.

"Her name is Rosie," I respond. I could swear that his eyes are almost watering.

"I'm sorry I didnt--," He cuts me off.

"Can I please hold her," He asked.

"Of course you can," I respond.

I hand her to Ryder and he gives her another look of astonishment. He looks kind of awkward holding her, but I can tell he wants to.

Still looking at Rosie he asked me, " Hold is she?" I smile as I answer.

"About to turn 5 months."

"I can't believe you didn't tell me about her," He says.

"I really wanted to I just didn't want to destroy your life and I didn't want you to reject her, you never liked kids," I take a deep breath and continue my rant," Please don't be mad at me, I was scared."

"Woah, calm down Beth, I'm not mad just surprised is all," He looks at me. " You do know that your brother is going to kill me right," He says to ease the tension. This makes me laugh through a few tears that are running down my face.

I take Rosie from his hands and put her in her crib to sleep, because I can tell she is tired. I walk back downstairs and find Ryder still sitting on the couch. I sit where I was previously sitting, in the chair.

"I'm going to be there for you and her, you know," He says after sitting there in a few minutes of silence. This makes me look up at him and give him a small smile.

"Thanks," I say and on the inside I am really happy.

"So does anyone else know that she's mine," She asked.

"Yes, actually, Andrea, Maria, and your mom," I say. And I can tell he is surprised.

"I'm not as mad as Andrea and Maria knowing, but my mom," He asked peculiarly and kind of mad, I can tell.

"She saw me dropping her off at her daycare center, and said she looked like you as a baby," I say.

"Okkk... So we have a kid together," He says.

"Yes, we do, but it doesn't change anything about us, even though we will be nice around her," I say," I don't want to be the parents that fight in front of their kids."

"We won't be," He grabs my hand and looks into my eyes," I promise."

At the word promise we hear the front door open and slam shut. He immediately let's go and looks at the hallway. In walks my mom.

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