Flashback 9

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Chapter 9

Yes, this is really short. On the upside though, I'll upload another one very soon (as in tomorrow or maybe even tonight if my insomnia acts up) (RAMBLING!!!) (That is all)


Ring Ring Ring

"Dylan, babe, was that your phone?" Ramona shifted to look at Dylan, lying next to her.

 Dylan put his pillow over his head and mumbled something.

Ramona reached over the pillow and grabbed the phone from the nightstand. She flicked it open and put it to her ear.

"Hello?" Ramona yawned quietly.

"Dylan? Hey. It's Jag. I'm back and I think we need to talk. The Place in 6 hours." Then the line went dead.

"Who was it?" Asked Dylan, now looking directly at her with his unaturally dark eyes. 

"Jag," Rose breathed, confusion seeping into her voice.

"Jag? As in my brother?" asked Dylan with a semi-surprised look on his face.

"Do you know any other Jags? He said to meet him at "The Place" in 6 hours," Ramona said, airquoting 'the place'. 

Dylan groaned and replaced the pillow over his head. "That's like at 10! BLAAHHH," he complained. Ramona smiled, he was so cute sometimes.

She twisted the ring on left hand and thought out loud, "Maybe we should just elope."

Dylan pulled the pillow off his head, fully awake now. "What?!" 

"Just thinking out loud," Ramona laughed. Dylan gave her a grin and hugged her.

"I'd follow you anywhere Mona."

"Then come with me at 10."

Dylan smiled and kissed Ramona on her forehead. "Sure thing."

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