Ch. 23 Bring Back The Dead

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Rosabelle's POV

"Do you have something of her's?" I looked at Bonnie gently. She nodded dumbly at me like she couldn't believe this was happening. Going up to the closet, she grabbed a thin scarf and handed it back to me. Alaric and Kai were somewhere in the house after they decided that this was personal and that they should wait outside.

"You can really bring her back?"

"I wouldn't offer if I didn't think I could. This isn't something to take lightly."

"Are you going to do it now?"

"Would you like me to? I was planning on it." She just nodded at me again. I took the scarf in both of my hands. Letting my fangs show, I bit into my hand, getting a little blood on the scarf. I closed my eyes and proceeded to do what I knew I had to do. 

My eyes shot open and I could feel my body getting a little weak. I knew it was working as Bonnie's Gram must be taking some of my energy in order to cross back into the living. Behind Bonnie, I saw her vaporizing into a body. 

"Welcome back, Sheila." I smiled at her with my greeting. Bonnie whipped around to look where I was directing my eyes.

"Grams!" Bonnie shouted. She ran off the bed and into her Gram's open arms. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know. I've just been trying to help, but these last few years she was just using me and I fell for it." Bonnie cried into her arms. 

"I know, child. You have let your friendship blind you, especially by a bad friend. But you know now and that is the most important thing. The witches will forgive you, do not worry your little head about it. Just give it time. They are more angry about the girl. Kai has been pardoned, you could say." Aw yay, my favorite slightly psychotic friend gets to stay!

"Rosabelle." I looked at Gram, surprised she called me. "I will be eternally grateful for what you have done, but I must ask. Why?"

"She lost you helping Elena with her own selfish needs. Now she lost the witches for being loyal. I've been betrayed and left alone before. No one deserves that pain, especially if they had innocent intentions in the matter."

"You are wise beyond your years, my dear. Thank you for everything. If you ever need anything, just know you have a Bennett witch to help you."

"Make that two," Bonnie spoke up, eyes red and puffy, but no longer damp with tears. "I can never repay you for what you have given me, especially after I was going to kill you, but I will forever appreciate it."

"Don't worry, either of you. I didn't do this to have you both owe me favors. I did this because you shouldn't be alone Bonnie. You lost her for being loyal. I'm just righting the wrongs. But I can tell you that you are definitely not alone and you should know it. You have your Grams now. You have me if you ever need a friend. Speaking of friends, you have that blonde vampire. Caroline, if I'm not wrong. Alaric too. And I'm 99% sure you brought back someone who cares a whole lot about you and wouldn't let anyone bring you harm." I whispered the last part with a little wink.

"Kai? Really?" Her cheeks lit up when thinking about it.

"Yes, really. I know him and he's totally fallen for you. He was so concerned when he saw you here alone. You should have seen his face." She could only smile at me as her cheeks got even redder.

"See, child. You have many people here for you. You are a strong Bennett witch. It's time to be loyal to those who are loyal to you."

"I know, I promise."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2020 ⏰

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