Chapter Thirteen

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I put the letter back into the stack as I fought the tears. Who's Kimmy? "Char?" Kellan called. I rubbed my eyes quickly putting the letters back into the pile. I picked up my bag walking back upstairs as Kellan walked out of the master bedroom. "Hey, what's wrong?" I shook my head.

"Nothing." I smiled at him. I picked up Jamie as she lay between two pillows holding her ducky blanket I bought her.

"I wasn't sure which outfit you wanted her in so I pulled out a couple." I nodded picking up a yellow dress with polka dots on it gently pulled her head into it as she whimpered and gave me a cry.

"All done, Baby." I smiled at her kissing her head. She stuck out her tongue out before yawning. I lifted her up into my arms. "Aw Baby, go to Daddy. Mommy needs a shower." Kellan took her as I picked up my hand making my way towards the bathroom. I took a quick shower washing everything happy that my C-section wound is completely healed. It makes showering and walking so much easier. I got dressed quickly not wanting to spend too much time in here. I pulled on my strapless shirt and a pair of shorts. I ran a hand through my hand before sighing. I just need to forget about the letter. It's nothing. I know it is. Kellan wouldn't do that. I walked out of the bathroom as Kellan texted someone.

"You ready?" He smiled at me. I nodded at him picking up the diaper bag as he picked up Jamie's car seat.

"We need to set up the nursery for her. When do you start work?" I asked him as I put the diaper bag into the car.

"I have to be there at noon tomorrow." He said after putting Jamie in the back of the truck. "We can go in the morning I just have to be at the Fire House at 12."

"Okay then we'll go tomorrow morning to couple of stores and we'll pick everything out. I'm sure your parents or Ella can watch Jamie Wednesday when we set everything up in the house." I smiled at him as he pulled out of the drive way.

"I don't think we'll have the problem of having them watch her, Char. The problems going to be getting Jamie back from them." I smiled t him looking in the mirror as Jamie snuggled her head in the soft fabric of the little ducky blanket.

"She'll be a heartbreaker one day. She'll take after her Daddy." I couldn't help throwing in that dig at him. That letter still had me reeling. He left a girl when he came to see me in New Hampshire. He didn't tell her where he was going, or that he was going to see his baby being born. I am scared to talk about it because I'm scared at the answer I'll get.

"Let's hope not. You'll steer her in the right direction. I know you will." He smiled at me at I watched him. "She'll grow up to be just as beautiful and amazing as her mother."

"Yeah," I smiled at him gently. He always knew what to say. Ass-hole he is is a damn good sweet talker ever since I was young. Family trait I tell you, Elliot is the same way. "How's Elliot, Kellan?"

"My brother? The last I heard from him was before you told me about Jamie. I thought the two of you talked, well at least to Mia. You two were close." Elliot is Kellan's older brother, Mia's being his wife. I remember when they were still dating before Patrick was born, their son and my loving god son.

"I haven't talked to them in a while. I miss them." It’s an amazing story about how I became Patch's god-mother when he first came home and a week later had a bad case of colic and wouldn't sleep at all. I stayed up every other day to rock him to a comfortable lull so Mia and Elliot could sleep.

"They should be coming up soon. I know Ell wants to meet his niece. You know they've been trying for another." Kellan said as we pulled up to the house I grew up in.

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