[ 08/06/2019 ] - Hi!

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Don't mind the chapter title. I couldn't come up with anything else

Anyway, hello and welcome to my new and improved graphics book!

You're probably asking yourself, "What happened to Wishes???"

Well, I was looking at my almost three year old graphics all the time and decided I wanted a change of scenery. Simultaneously, I still hold pride for graphics that I've created in the past (I worked really hard on all of those lol) so I'm not deleting the book. I'm leaving Wishes public on my account, but of course, it won't receive updates anymore.

I thought this would be the best way to start fresh.

For new readers that don't know about Wishes and are curious to see some of my old stuff, you can go ahead and find it on my profile.

I guess that's all I have to say 🤷 Enjoy your time viewing my graphics!

Also big thank you to my friend HOMELESSNEIGHBOR for the banners. I still don't get why she doesn't have a portfolio or anything 'cause LOOK At tHESE

 I still don't get why she doesn't have a portfolio or anything 'cause LOOK At tHESE

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