Chapter 26

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Crap. Crap. Crap.

I can't be a mother! I don't even know who my mom is! How the heckity heck am I gonna be able to raise a kid?

Oh my Moon Goddess! What if the kid hates me?

This is not good.

Not good at all!



How am I gonna tell him?

What if he doesn't want kids?

"Congratulations! I knew you weren't really sick! I can't wait to be a grandmother!"

I look up and see Sofia with a beaming face and Adaline with a smile on her face and tears in her eyes.

"My little girls gonna be a mom. Does this mean I'll be their other grandmother? I've always thought of you as my own daughter."

"W-will, will someone l-link Lucas for, for me please?"

Sofia nods her head and gets that far away look in her eye that we all get when we mindlink.

"He's on his way. I didn't tell him the news though. He's a little worried."

"Oh honey what's wrong?"

Adaline pulls me into her arms in a comforting hug.

"What if I'm a terrible mom? What if the child hates me? What if Lucas doesn't want a family? There are so many things that are floating through my mind right now."

Sofia joins in on our hug as they both tell me how I'll be a wonderful mom and how Lucas definitely wants a family with me.

As soon as we pull apart from our hug, the door burst open with a frantic Lucas standing in the opening.

"What's wrong? What happened? Are you hurt? Did someone attack you? Are you feeling sick? Do-"

"Lucas, calm down. Can you guys give us a minute?"

Adaline and Sofia give me a thumbs up as they walk out of the room, closing the door behind them.

"Baby, what happened?"

I look into Lucas eyes and see worry swimming in his beautiful iris.

I try to speak but the words die in my throat or fall off the end of my tongue.

Giving up on words I grab Lucas hand and lead him into the bathroom where I left the test sitting on the sink.

"Audrey? Why are we in here?"

I grab the test and basically shove it into his hand as I bury my face in his chest. He wraps his free hand around my waist, holding me to him.

I listen to his heart beat, a steady thump that sends a feeling of security to envelop me.

That is...

Until it speeds up.

"You're pregnant?"

I can just nod my head against his chest.

I feel him pull me away from him and the tears start to fall.

He's gonna be mad.

"Audrey, look at me."

I lift my eyes to meet his smiling face.


Hold on a second.


He's smiling?

"You aren't mad?"

"Mad? How could I be mad? I'm over the moon happy! We're gonna have a baby! We're gonna have a family! How could I be anything but happy?"

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