|17| Morning after

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a severe headache or other after-effects caused by drinking an excess of alcohol.

"Ellie." someone screamed. My head throbbed vigorously. And the person continued to bang on the door.

"Ellie get your ass out of bed now, if you hear me please get out now."

I struggled to open my eyes, my vision was blurry and I felt as a ton of bricks had been dumped on top of my head. As I sat up my eyes tried to adjust at the sight of my surroundings but I suddenly felt the urge to rush to the bathroom because if I didn't my mothers seventy thousand dollar rag would be no more. I hurried as I got to the master bathroom and I puked my guts out. Slowly the memories of last night slowly came flooding back, the drinking, noise the punching of Cameron Carter by Jacob and him seeing me half naked and most importantly Jacob's hurtful words. Suddenly I felt like I wanted to crawl back into bed and cry.

"Ellie are you ok?"I heard Vic's voice from the other side of the closed door.

"I feel I like shit Victoria." I said as I leaned against the wall that was beside toilet.

"Hate to be the bearer of bad news but you are gonna feel a thousand sometimes worse because your parents are downstairs looking at the after effects of drunk and hormonal teenagers partying in their million dollar estate." My felt the color drained out of my face as I jumped onto my feet not caring of how dizzy I felt.

I entered the passcode and the door opened and I stared at Vic who looked like a bus ran over her she probably passed out on one of the couches downstairs.


"Yeah, your parents just arrived a few minutes ago and your father looks like he is about to punch someone while your mother hasn't said a word. I've been banging on this door for ten minutes now."

"They aren't supposed to be here."

"Well they are here now." She said nervously.

We walked downstairs stairs and my mum was gazing at her paintings that were laying on to the floor as if didn't cost thousands of dollars. She was wearing a sheer cream blouse and silk pants with her white fur coat. Her Dolce & Gabbana glasses sat effortlessly on her hair and as always she looked magnificent. And of course daddy in his signature suit looked at me with a pissed expression oh shit what have I gotten myself into. Jazz, Mia and Kate all stood there in their clothes from last night and let me just say they all looked like crap. And I was sure as hell I didn't look great either, they all looked at me and Vic with expressions that screamed 'HELP!!!'

"Mummy, daddy." I said as we descended from the stairs.

"Heaven Eleanora Lisa-Marie Pricce."Daddy said with his 'I am so angry at you young lady' tone. He hasn't said my name like that since I was five years old when I had decided to hide my mothers wedding ring which also happens to be a family heirloom, being the forgetful child I was I forgot where I had hid it. Lets just say the tone of my fathers voice made me remember exactly where I hid it. He even used my first name my real first name gosh I hate it so much who the hell names their child Heaven!, my parents that's who. But then again I have siblings named Ocean, Summerella and Deja!!!

Him calling me that also means he is very, very furious with me. I ignored the stares I was getting from my friends which were clearly stating 'why the hell didn't you tell us your first name.'

"Yes daddy." I said in my sweet little girl voice.

"What in the world happ-"

"Did you have a party here?" Mum finally said something while clearly cutting my father, unlike like my daddy's'I am so going to ground you till eternity' expression I couldn't quite read mummy's.

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