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Sorry for an late update but I was trying to make it a good chapter and technical difficulties. Let me no what you think. 😀

(Angel's pov)

Today is September 22th the day I'm getting married. Married?. I never thought that I would ever get married or even fall in love but here I am.

It's been about a month since Colton proposed to me and we have been busy with the wedding.  The wedding preparations took about 3 weeks and I'm glad that it's over cause now i can finally get married. My mom and Queenie went with to get my wedding dress. I actually thought I wouldn't find a dress cause every one I tried on didn't feel right until we came to the last dress. It was perfect it had a lacy top with sleeves and the skirt light and flowy.

I also asked Queenie to be my maid of honor before we went wedding dress shopping. She teared up and said she would be honored. She also said she was happy she a has another woman around her age to talk to.

My mom and Queenie are now helping get ready to walk down the aisle. We decided to have an outdoor wedding behind the compound.

"Makeup and hair is done" Queenie says snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Time for the dress." My mom says excitedly while clapping her hands.

I smile and stand as my mom hands me my dress. I take my robe off and slip the dress on.

"Can you someone zip me?" I ask directly to no one.

Queenie walk up behind me and zips me up. My mom grabs my Vail and pits on my head delicately. I turn around and look at myself in the mirror.

"I look like a bride." I say to myself almost crying.

"A beautiful one." I hear a voice say. I turn around and see my dad by the door tearing up. I walk up to him and hug him.

"Are you ready to give your daughter away." I ask pulling away from him.

"No, I just got you back and now your being taken away again." He says letting tears silently fall.

I walk up to him and hug him again " just because I'm getting married doesn't mean you won't see me again, it just means your handing me off to someone you know will take care of him." I say to him.

"You'll always be my dad." He tightens his arms and nods.

"Okay, are we ready." He asks wiping his tears. Mom comes up and gives him a hug and stays at his side.

"Yeah, let's go." Queenie says putting on her shoes.


When the car stops after a 20 min drive, I look out the window and see people taking their seats.

Someone opens the causing me to jump a little. I look over and see Breaker. He hold his hand out and I put my hand in his. I hop out of the car being careful with my dress.

We walk into the church towards the room where I wait. I hear a bunch of male voices down at the other end of the hall.


(Colton's pov)

"You ready to get married." Prez says putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Been ready" I say to him and he smiles.

"Good, I was gonna kill you if you left her." I look over and see Breaker leaning against the wall.

Breaker is the silent but deadly type.

"Do you have feelings for her." I ask and all the men in the room.

He looks up at me then after a couple of seconds he answers.

"No" I relax a little "she just reminds me a little of my sister." He says hanging his head.

He lost his parents in a car crash about 15 years ago and then his sister was kidnap. He still looks for her but there has been no sign of her for about 6 years.

I walk up to him and put a hand on his shoulder "we'll find her." I say to him and he nods.

"Let's get on to something happier." Snake says breaking the silence.

"Like a brother getting married." Prez says putting an arm around my neck. Making everyone break out into cheers.


(Angel's pov)

I have been sitting here talking to my mom, Queenie, and Olivia for about 10 min.

"Are we ready." My dad says after ge opens the door.

I nod and stand the others follow me out of the room.

I hear some music starting and Colton walking up to the aisle. I told him he didn't have to wear a suit, so he and the others decides to wear a button up, tie, and leather jacket with dark jeans.

The first to walk is Queenie then his best mans. The music changes letting me know its time. The second I start moving butterflies form in my stomach.

The moment I see Colton all the nervousness melts away. I don't move my eyes away from him and neither does he. 

When we get to the end dad kisses my cheek and puts my hand in colton's and takes a seat next to mom who is crying. Colton pulls me over to Prez who marries all the brothers. 

"Ladies and gentlemen we are gathered here today to witness the matrimony of a brother and his old lady." he speaks after a second while handing us the rings.

"Colton do you take Angel to be you your one and only till death do you part."

"I do" he says putting the ring on my finger.

"Do you angel take colton to be your one and only till death do you part."

"I do" I say sliding the ring on his finger.

"Now by the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss your bride." Not even a second later colton dips me and pulls me into a kiss. 

"Mrs. James." he says smiling at me.

"Mr. james." i say pulling him into another kiss.

The End

Getready! Announcement will be uploaded today

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