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" y/n wake up! "

" wake up i said! "

you slowly opened your eyes, only to see yeona looking down at you. the excited expression on her face revealed what she was thinking of.

" what is it? " you said as you hurried your face in your pillow. although you already had your suspicions.

" we're leaving for la today! " she shrieked like a little child, excited as ever.

you chuckled at your best friends behavior. she was the louder one out of your duo, which you didn't really mind.

" i'll be down in 30 minutes, " you replied and smiled at her through your tiredness.

she nodded and walked into the kitchen, leaving you alone with your thoughts. you were quite puzzled, since your timer was showing 3 days, 6 hours, 19 seconds, it meant that you were meeting them in
los angeles.

" it's even the day before that concert yeona is going too, " you mumbled to yourself as you glanced at your wrist.

after you were done doing your makeup, changing clothes and so on, you made your way downstairs. yeona was standing in the kitchen, already having prepared breakfast.

" i see you're finished, " yeona stated once she saw you. " you look good. "

you nodded. " i am and thank you. you don't look to bad yourself. "

the two of you ate your breakfast in silence, until you started speaking. " yeona, i'm meeting my soulmate the day before that concert you are going too, "

her eyes shot up. " what is it's one of the members? "

you rolled your eyes. " as if. the chances of that happening are like 1%. "

taehyung pov

" when are we leaving? " i asked our manager.

" uh in about 15 minutes, " he replied.

i nodded and sat down on an empty chair. a sigh escaped my lips. i had only now realized that i was meeting my soulmate on the day before our concert, which was slightly inconvenient. i'd be busy throughout the week and having to deal with that at the same time wasn't convenient.

" taehyung, are you okay? "

i looked up and saw namjoon looking at me.

" uh i'm fine, " i replied, giving him a reassuring smile. he didn't seem so convinced though.

" if you say so, " he said before walking towards the cars.

your pov

wow, was the first thought as you came out of the airport.

" welcome to la y/n! " yeona said happily as she jumped around.

you laughed at her behavior. during the plane ride, she hasn't stopped going on about it.

" when will the taxi be here? " you asked her after you two had walked around for a bit.

" over there! " she pointed at a middle aged woman that was waving at us with a sign in her hands.

" hello! you must be yeona kim and y/n l/n? " she spoke with a warming smile on her face.

you nodded. " that's us! "

once everything was settled, the drive to the hotel started. the view really caught you off guard, you had never been in los angeles before and it was beautiful. a lot different from your hometown.

" what are we doing for the rest of the day? " you asked after you had driven for a bit.

yeona shrugged. " maybe it's best just to get settled down and just go out to eat? " she suggested.

you nodded in response. " sounds great. i want chinese. "

yeona giggled. " panda express? "

you nodded with a grin on your face.

the rest of the ride to your hotel was rather peaceful, once you made it there you started unpacking.

" it's so hot, god.. " you muttered while wiping of the sweat from your forehead.

" trust me, i know. " yeona replied, chuckling.

you whacked her arm. " well, you're more used to it than i am! "

she shrugged. " well, i am from here so it's not that weird. "

you sighed as you finished.

" are you done? " you questioned.

she nodded. " let's go and get food! "


you two made your way to the closest panda express which was a good 15 minute walk from your hotel.

" there it is! " you said once you caught a glimpse of your favorite fast food restaurant.

yeona laughed at your enthusiasm.
" let's order then. "

a/n; i feel like this is boring to read 🤡

a/n 2: WELL IT IS. this isn't good😭😭
also i'd like to explain the editing situation better. i'm not changing the way i wrote this, just correcting small errors and maybe adding some things. i realize that this is very
" i'm not like other girls " and i would not have written it this way today, but then again, i was like 13 i think.


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