34 ~ Tamales

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Everyone went to sleep, leaving me all alone with literally nothing to do.

So, being the clever guy I am, I decide to snoop. The TV room is full of pictures, so I just start at one end and move down the wall. I see a few repeats from Scar's room but tons more are new. My eyes freeze on the mantle, the only place with their parents' pictures.

The smiles on their faces stir an uneasy feeling within me but before I can dwell, my phone rings. Trying to remember the last time I texted Mom, I answer it.


Heavy breathing fills my ear, making me want to gag.

"Mom? Ronnie, did you steel the phone again?" I ask lightly, trying to ignore the fact I'm completely freaked out.

The line goes dead, examining the caller ID before relaxing. It was just some stupid telemarketer.

"I'm home!"

Almost dropping my phone, I try to get my heart rate back under control. God, Ashton, stop being such a wuss.

"Hello?" Scarlett tries again as I follow the sound of her voice. Leaning up against the wall, I try to appear cool. Jumping, she turns around. "Where is everyone?"

"The twins took medicine and went to bed almost an hour ago. Sterling gave Saffron some Advil and she actually put herself to sleep maybe twenty minutes ago. You might still be able to say goodnight." Double checking mentally to make sure that covers everyone.

She blinks, appearing tried after a day of running around. "I'm so sorry you were by yourself. You could've gone home."

Yeah, like I'd do that.

"It's perfectly fine, I knew you'd be here soon enough." I assure her, shoving off the wall.

"Why'd you decide to grow it out?" She asks, drawing attention to the fact I'm scratching my facial hair.

I hadn't even realized, "I don't know, I thought maybe a change was good. Why, do you not like it?"

Because it could go if needed.

Her lips tug upwards, "I like it."

Oh, that's... good. It may be dark, but I can feel her eyes raking over my body. Is Scarlett Rhodes checking me out? My chest buffs out a little, she is.

This guys still got it. 

"I'm gonna go get changed." She blurts, fleeing up the stairs.

Right, so now I just wait again. My phone rings, startling my already paranoid mind.

"Hello?" I question shakily, ready to chuck my phone when breathing fills my ears.

I'm gonna kill Gabe, this has to be a prank.

"Ashton, Hun, when will you be home?" Mom's voice calms me down.

I'm okay, slowly, my grip loosens. There's nothing to be worried about. Chase's call was a month ago and he's been silent since, it was a one-time fluke. 

"Hey, Mom, probably not until later. Scar just got home."

"Alright, be safe please." She says before hanging up.

I always am.

The sound of bare feet padding against wood knocks me back to reality.

"The twins ordered pizza," I offer, "I hope that's okay."

I really didn't have much of a choice in the matter.

She chuckles, my attention falling on her. She's changed into leggings and one of my sweatshirts. "That's fine, what do you want to do?"

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