Chapter 7

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I know it's been a while since I updated last, and I apologize.

Feel free to leave me some questions if ya wanna!

And before I go I just wanna say...

You guys are looking like a whole meal.😍😍


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Your voice came out in a breathy tone, shock and awe lacing your words as your e/c eyes stared up at the sight in front of you, heart pounding in your chest for some unknown reason.

The castle you stood before was huge.

Covered from top to bottom in golden designs and jewel-crusted flags with some sort of symbol on them.

The castle itself was made up of stone, but it looked like the gray rocks sparkled underneath the bright sunlight. A large body of water surrounded the large stone fortress, a draw bridge was the only way in and out of the castle courtyard.

When Namjoon had told you his stories about this land being filled with magic and wonder, you didn't exactly believe him...and who could blame you? The man was spewing nonsense...Claiming he was part of a story and that each person here played a great role in completing their own path.

You didn't believe him, because fairytales were exactly what they had always been; stories.

But as you stared up at the great castle before you...all of your disbelief fell away and all that was left was pure astonishment...

From the second you saw the castle you knew that Namjoon couldn't have been lying...

Because even though this great monument was built of nothing but stone and cement.. You knew that it was special...

Because it looked just like a Fairytale.

You could practically feel the magic radiating off of the building...pure amazement flooded through you in ways you didn't think possible.

Namjoon smiled softly at your reaction, his dimples making an appearance as he stared at you softly.

"Beautiful. Isn't it?" He breathed, green eyes moving to stare at the grand castle that had snagged your attention.

You could only nod your head.

"It's amazing."

Yoongi huffed from beside of you, annoyance written all over his features as he shoved his way between you and Namjoon.

"Well, are we just gonna stand here all day, or are we gonna go in?"

Your eyes narrowed on Yoongi's back, a glare making its way to your face as you watched him walk towards the castle.

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