'I'm still waiting, Nezumi.'

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Since the downfall of the city they once called No.6, the survivors strived to rebuild a civilisation over it, in order to erase it from existence. Replace it. The remains of the Western District, after being 'cleaned' served as the foundations, as well as any survivors collaborating with that of No.6. Of course, after being reunited, Karan and Shion reopened the bakery, in the same place as it always was. It was becoming quite popular amongst citizens, meaning Shion's help was vital, otherwise they would be over ran with customers.

Since the collapse of the walls 4 years ago, Shion had never quite returned to normal. It was like he was always on edge, always waiting for something...

Shion wiped his forehead, untying his apron from behind and hanging it up. The bakery that day had been busy; busy enough that Karan was kept baking in the kitchen whilst he served the customers. Night had fallen outside, the sky illuminated by the moon. It was times like then when Shion went outside. The only time, in fact. Turning towards the kitchen door, he grabbed his cardigan. The same one he'd been wearing when he last saw Nezumi. The only cardigan he ever wore after that time.

'I'm going out, I'll be back before midnight!' He called half heartedly, as always. No more curfews applied to him, a man at 19 was entitled to live his own life. The sky was a shade of dark blue that night, looking slightly purple around the moon and the brightest stars. The lights of houses shone weakly in every direction but one, the direction that Shion was walking in. The Western District was a barren land now, full of rotting wood and garbage. Only one house still stood in the far outskirts of town. Almost out of eyesight. Every night was the same. He stayed there overnight, keeping the lights on so that if anyone ever walked past, they could stop in there. A plaque graced the entrance, marking the hut 'House of Ophelia'. Nezumi would know what that meant. Nezumi would know it was Shion and knock on the door. But even after 4 years, Shion was still waiting. Still waiting for this promised reunion.

The walk to the hut took approximately an hour, but nobody was counting. Every day, Shion prayed that Nezumi would be there when he got back, having seen the sign and waiting for his return.

But to date, that hadn't happened. Nezumi had disappeared from the face of the Earth. Great.

He approached the hut with care, turning the key in the lock cautiously, holding his breath. No one was in there. Walking in and shutting the door, Shion slumped onto the sofa. All that was in the hut was a bed and a sofa, with a few supplies and clothes. Pretty boring, but it was he needed. One day, he planned to move out into this hut permanently. So he could wait for Nezumi full time.

4 years he'd fostered his affections for him, and by now he was sure that he was head over heels in love with the man. Nezumi had become his life. Shion checked his watch. 9:37pm, September 6th. It was still reasonably warm outside and water was nearby. The chances of Nezumi coming tonight were almost zero anyway, so it wouldn't hurt if he took a bath. Grabbing a bucket, Shion walked out - leaving the door unlocked and the lights on- to collect water from the small reservoir nearby. It would be cold but he could live with that. Maybe it would keep him awake all night. He always had nightmares anyway. Before long, he was back in his hut, cleaning his body bit by bit. The bucket was way too small and the water was too cold for him to be completely submerged, but with the help of a cloth, he could wash without too much bother, by sitting on the bed with only his top removed. A snake of a scar still marred his pale flesh, curling up his left arm and all around his torso and neck. It was like he was constricted. It was no longer sensitive to the touch or painful, but the stares he got might as well have been daggers. Red eyes and white hair made him look like an albino, almost like a monster. It was his reminder that what happened was real and he couldn't run away from it. Those memories would stay with him forever.

Shion was too busy staring at the scar on his arm to realise that someone had opened the door. It wasn't until he felt a hand on his shoulder that he noticed his presence. There stood a 6 foot tall man, with waist length bluey-black hair, with just a tint of purple. Grey eyes stared into his, crinkling slightly at the edges in a small smile. Shion's eyes widened considerably, his breathing ceased. It was all he could do to just stay conscious. 'Nezumi...' He whispered, dropping the cloth. 'You came back...'

The reply was simple. 'Like hell I did!'

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2014 ⏰

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