Phone Call

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It's been a few after we all went to the movies, and excluding what happened to my sister, we all had a lot of fun. I'm also happy that she didn't take that incident to heart, she still wears whatever she wants, and that's good.

I got up from my bed and checked my calendar, we still have a few months till school and I can't wait for it to be over with. I'm pretty excited to be going to college, I want to go there now and forget about even going to high school. As I kept looking at my calendar, I noticed that we only have a few more weeks for the project. A small smile appeared on my face, who knew this project would bring me something I would greatly treasure. This project literally gave Mel and I a romantic partner, this has been by far my favorite project ever.

'Because this project gave me a boyfriend, it should be called project boyfriend.' I thought and laughed a bit, 'that was such a lame joke, just like me. I'm just a lame joke.'

'The project was given to us about the beginning of the school year. And now in a few weeks, we will be presenting, oh how time goes by.' I thought as I laid in my bed.

'Wait, we will be presenting in a few weeks. Since the teacher gave us the project, we have been together, but have we done the project?' I thought as I put my face on my pillow. My eyes then opened in surprise. 'WE HAVEN'T EVEN STARTED!!!!' I mentally yelled, I grabbed my phone and called Adrien.

"Hey, baby, what's up?" I heard Adrien from the other end, if I wasn't frustrated right now, I would maybe be feeling butterflies in my stomach. BUT IT AIN'T THE TIME!!!

"Don't baby me! Do you even know what happening right now?!" I yelled back at him.

"What did I do now?" He asked.

"Do you know we only have a few weeks to present the project!!"

"What project?" He asked curiously, " I don't remember this project you speak of."

"The one Mr. Johnson our first-period teacher gave us for the end of the school year," I told him. Partly hoping he remembers.

"Nope, don't know what you're talking about. And who is Mr. Johnson?" He said.

"The one that will put you in the graduation sheet, the teacher you need to pass," I said. How can he not remember?

"Doesn't ring a bell. And I told you I'm graduating, why don't you believe me?"

"Adrien, it's not the time for your delusions right now. I can't believe you don't remember the project, that's literally why we got to know each other in the first place," I said.

"Wait, are you talking about the project that made you keep following me everywhere. You kept talking to me with the excuse of doing the project just to get close to me, inviting me to your house and stuff. You know, because you fell for me. In short, you had the hots for me," he said. I just looked a bit confused.

"Um, I was not in love with you nor did I have the hots for you back then. Who even uses that word now," I said.

"What? Hot's will always be used," he said confidently.

"No; nonetheless, I didn't have the hots for you before," I said.

"Hunter, it's not the time for you to deny your feelings like you usually do, okay," he said. I just blinked a few times. I know I deny my feelings sometimes, but I'm not lying when I said I didn't like him before.

"I'm not lying though," I said. He just interrupted me.

"Hunter, please, it's not the time. We have a forgotten project on our hands," he said.

Savage little nerd [(BoyxBoy)]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz