Chapter 7: Expecto Patronum

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Sirius elbowed Hermione and leaned over so only she and Remus could hear him.

"Dumbledore won't let Harry live with me." He whispered.

A sudden wave of anger washed over her. How could Dumbledore do that? The Dursleys were horrible people and everyone knew that. Besides that, Hermione thought that Harry was already living with his Godfather, Sirius.

"What?!" She yelled jumping up.

The teacup fell to the ground and shattered. Remus quickly repaired it with a wave of his wand. 

"He can't do that! That foul bastard!"

Everyone stared at her in shock.

"He knows how horrible these disgusting people treat him! I'm going to kill him!"

With fast movements she moved to the fireplace, ready to floo to Dumbledore's office. She had never been so angry in her life. Her hair was electrified with magic. It took both Sirius and Remus to hold her back.

"That's the same reaction I had!" Sirius exclaimed.

"Hermione you can't do anything, we already talked to him. Twice." Remus explained.

"But I haven't gotten the chance yet!"

She struggled against them.

"If I can't go there then he has to come here! Send a fucking Patronus or I will shove a broom up your asses!"

She tried to escape again but Sirius reacted quickly.

"Fine!" Remus grunted. "I will send a Patronus if you promise to stop struggling!"

Hermione huffed.


The two men released her, and she ripped herself away from them. She took her place on the couch and flopped down, crossing her arms over her chest, glaring at the ground.

"Expecto Patronum." Remus said waving his wand.

A small wolf appeared, and Remus whispered to it. The wolf changed into a ball of light and shot through the wall.

"May I ask what just happened?" Arthur questioned calmly.

"Someone." Hermione said in an icy voice. "Thought that it was a good idea to let a little boy live with horrible beings that seem to be abusive although the boy has a legal Guardian who was promised that the boy was going to live with him."

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