Chapter 14

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      (This ones really short, I'm sorry. Like really sorry)
The spirit had a malicious smile on as he looked down at us. Quickly jack stood up on his feet and stared at the spirit. "What do you want? Our magic? You know you can't get magic from Magic users." Jack yelled demandingly. The spirit chuckled. "Hmm? You think I want magic from the likes of disgusting magic users? No way, I want her! A reincarnation with tons of powerful magic stored up inside her!" He yelled hysterically. "We can't allow, our teammates to be offered up as such." Jack said with a terrifying look.
       "Well, I can't let you guys off the hook, so easily..." the spirit suggested with a smile, "how about a game?"
"What type of game?"
"Let's say...if you win, I'll let you all go. And if I win, you hand over the blue eyed girl."
"We agree, how shall we play?"
" about Uno?"
      The spirit knows uno!! Amazing!! I thought in this world, no one would possibly know what uno is!! "You do know what Uno is, right?" The spirit said threateningly. Eek, it's seems if we don't the spirit might actually kill us. "Yes, we do!" I yelled looking confident. I'm actually quite not. They all stared at me with confused eyes. "W-,"
       "I know the game rules and mechanics, so no need to explain it to me...but are we doing stacking, or nah?" I asked. "Hmm...I guess sure, I like stacking better anyway." The spirit answered as he conjured up some uno cards.
      "Lette! Do you really know what this Uno is?!" Jack whispered in my ears, it was the first time he looked so frantic. Oh and he called me by my nickname, that's better! "Of course I do, I'm a reincarnator after all!" I whispered back, "but if I do this.."
     "Are you done with you idle, chat?" The spirit yelled, impatient. "Of course." I responded as I walked up. The spirit then, sat on the ground and so did I. "First one to Uno, wins?" He asked. "Certainly."
    He then let Jack shuffle the cards and distribute each of us seven cards. I had a pretty good lineup, but it seems the spirit had a better one. His face was beaming as he stared down at his cards. I mean..he could be tricking me, with such a happy face. No way, he has that good of a deck. Unless, he's really an idiot who shows what's up with his face...
     "You can go first," he said proudly. I nodded and turned over a card from the deck. A green, 4. I glanced at my cards, they were mostly blue. Thank fully I had a blue, 4 so I could change the color. I placed down my blue four and it went on. The spirit looked at the blue, 4. He knew now, that I had more blues than any other color. It was a rash decision on my part. He quickly changed the color to red, using a wild card. Ugh.
      I only had one red, in my line up of colors, so I wanted to save it. Though I had a wildcard, it was more valuable than the red. I placed my red, 6 down with confidence. I had, to make sure my face wasn't even a bit worried. If I showed hesitation, he's belief that I had more blues would be confirmed.
      He looked disappointed as he quickly put down a blue 6. A blue 6? If he had a red, he could have gotten that down...does this mean, he has limited reds? Perhaps...! If that is so, then, putting that blue down was my great luck!! He must've thought I wouldn't have many reds, when he did a red for the wildcard!! I'm gonna win!!!

      I didn't win. "HAHHA!! You've lost now hand your self over, Blue eyed girl." The spirit yelled. "I understand, let her say goodbye though." Jack said respectfully. "Hmph, fine. Be quick. You humans are such sentimental creatures," he said proudly. I quickly ran over to them. "You know right?" I whispered in their ears. They all nodded. We slowly approached the spirit. "Open the door, before we give her to you. Then we can be sure you won't be deceiving us." Leo yelled at the spirit. "Ugh, fine. You guys are so demanding." He replied as he waved his hand and the exit opened. I smiled and as I walked up to him, I threw the dummy at his face. "H-huh What!?" He yelled as he blocked himself and quickly threw the dummy down out of his face.
However, everyone had already ran out. "HOW WERE YOU ABLE TO ESCAPE WHEN YOU DIDNT GIVE ME THE BLUE EYED GIRL!?" He yelled as he stared at us running from the house. Well, my team did draw blue eyes on the dummy. "WELL, ************ YOU AND ******************* AND **********" He yelled. Wow, this is the highest number of curse words in a single sentence that I've ever heard!!
As we ran through the bare streets, I wondered if people actually live here. "Hey Jack, are you sure people live here?" I asked him as we ran. "No, that spirit killed the remaining people here when he first came here, I'm sure of it." He replied with a straight face. "So, we have to leave for another town like this?" I asked. "No, if there's one spirit here, there will be more spirits in other abandoned towns. We must report this to the emperor and then prepare to leave for home at the palace." He announced. short....
"Don't worry, we'll be on another adventure soon!" Leo said almost to cheer me up. How sweet. I can't wait to see Willow though. I wonder if she's doing alright. I did promise some bonding time between us when I get back. Ahhh~ now that I think about it, the Princess Mao, had blue eyes. A reincarnator. I had totally overlooked it, since she looked like my mirror. But I think I won't tell her about it.

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