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Class 1A Students was just sitting or standing in a Living room waiting their friend Acid girl for what she doing.

While others doing their stuff like kaminari and mineta play video games or sato bake of Cake, other few like Ochako, Lida, Shoto, Jiro, Momo, Kirishima and Katsuki still couldn't believe their friend Deku can Sing & made a Song.

"I still call this is bullshit!" said Katsuki.

"well that song was his voice including a CD was in his room" said Momo.

"not to mention his hand written 'DEKU' that was definitely him too" said Ochako added.

"you just jealous cause his better then you right" said Todoroki.




Before everyone could say anything "hey shoji! I need your help over here!" said Mina from up stair.

So our Tentacle arms friend went to go up stair helping her for what he need for.

Their all waiting them when their hear footstep came down the stair, Mina was the first one to came with Grinning face of her.

Next was Shoji came downstair when they notice he carrying a bag.

"Hey shoji what you got there" Toru asked curious.

Then shoji put a down the bag on top of table and opened showing inside was a Lots of CD music.

Everyone was shock how many CD in inside the bag then sero said "is this..".

"Yup! It is Izuku CD music" said Mida Grin.

"where you found it!?" said Mineta shouted.

"oh it was behind the wardrobe! it was easy" said Mina smile proud.

"and how do you know that?" Tokoyami asked.

"because I too put behind my wardrobe too" said Mina still smile.

"and what's behind your wardrobe mina" Shoto asked.




"anyway who like to hear deku music!" said Mina cheerful face.

'did she just change a topic about a last question?' everyone thought.

Everyone just forget about question and they ask who will be the choose Izuku CD, Mina was the first to pick because she found it.

Mina digging izuku CD inside a bag "hmm let's see which one I should pick hmm... AH HA!" said Mina pull out a CD.

All the students look at Mina hand it says [La da dee] on a CD.

"La da dee? What the fuck is that mean!?" said Katsuki.

"i don't know but to me it sounds like happy pop song" said Mina cheerful.

"well what are you waiting for play it" said Toru exciting to hear it.

Mina give her nod then put the CD in the music box then she press Start.

Then their hear guitar play first.

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