secret glances

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It was a beautiful day today, until the news spread that our last semester results were out.

The hostel went crazy.

People were running around with nervous faces.
They rushed towards the notice board placed near the office.

I was watching them through my window with a hot chocolate cup in my hands.
Enjoying my drink till I could.

"Eva, don't you want to know who topped this year? "
Spoke my roommate Raven

"I already know"
I replied and continued to sip my hot chocolate.

"Man how can this girl be so relaxed...I mean it's not like she will fail but still, you got to check it for God's sake!!"
She spoke while dressing up in a hurry to go check her result.

"Relax Raven and anyways the result will be soon uploaded online in a few hours..."

"I can't relax girl my mom will kill me if I don't score above average!!"

With this, she picked up her phone and was out of the room yelling back

"I will check it out for you...I know it will be easier to find anyways"

Eva already knew she will check it for her and she understood well what was meant by 'easier to find'
It simply meant that names at the top are read first

I finished the last sip of my hot chocolate, and was going to turn around from the window when I heard the roaring sound of a muscle car.

The car stopped and the driver proceeded to open the backseat door.

My heart started beating faster.
It was him.

He came out , looking dashing as ever in that crisp school uniform.
I thought he was going to go to the notice board, and in the meanwhile I could admire his beautiful back.

But instead he suddenly turned around and curses left my lips.
His eyes starting at my window or so I thought as he was wearing sunglasses.

Predicting it I moved back in a hurry causing the cup to slip from my hand and break on the ground.

Things this boy makes me do!

My heart was beating in my chest at an inhuman pace and my breathing became heavy.

I peeked through the other window to see him make his way towards the principal office.

"Maybe he didn't top this time"
I thought but boy how wrong I was.

He not only topped our college, but topped all colleges in the city.
This can't be done by just having rich parents..right?

People envy him a lot
They say he tops because his parents rule this country
But they don't know his IQ
He is truly a genius but never does he flaunt it.

It was night now .
I was being a stalker again
You can search my surfing history and you will find only one name

Daniel Knight

I can stare at his picture for hours but I can't look at him in person.

I want to but I just can't.

How will I approach him?

What will I say?

He doesn't even know who I am and here stalking him is all I do except studying.

"Eva you know we were expecting 5th or 6th but bang girl you came 2nd this time!! I am so proud of you my dear bestie"
She said while hugging me from behind
Her eyes fell on my laptop and she screamed bloody murder

Crushing On Your Majesty;The girl he hatedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن