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"Tell me about you" Timothee said closing his book . He took Heaven to a nearby cafe after school to discuss all about their project .

" Eh what do you want to know?" She asked getting surprised that he was actually interested and didnt care about the project .

" I dont know , anything" he said resting both of his elbow on the table and his jaw on his hand .

"I um I love writing , but its nothing serious , all just for fun . I als-"

" what do you write about"

You she thought

"I dont know like really random stuff , the sky or birds , stuff that make me sad or happy , you know "

"Then i sketch something related on the next page to help with the meaning"

He admired the way she talked . Her name worked perfectly as an adjective for describing her voice . Heaven

The way the wind would blow her auburn short hair at her face every second causing her to cutely get frustrated , or the way her delicate fingers were always playing with each other never getting untangled , or the way her dimples would say hi every time she felt happy , were all very cute to him .

" I'd love to see one of your pieces one day'" he said

Heaven was always private about her sketches and short poems , never did she ever show anything to anyone , she was always insecure about them , just like how she was insecure about every other part of her .

"One day" she said

The waitress interrupted them by placing Heaven's white chocolate drink infront of her and timothee's milkshake infront of him .

"Heaven i know Ive already said this alot but thank you so much" he said after two minutes of awkward silence .


"Its just , for the past week i have been really , i dont know grateful for you i guess ?" He confessed .

"I mean , you had no reason to talk to me that day , you could have walked out of the class just like everyone else , you could have stolen my watch or thrown it away , you could have laughed at me like everyone else did , but you didnt and i am just , i dont know , its just very surprising and new to me"

" I'm honestly scared" he sighed looking down running his hands through his hair .

Heaven was confused to why he was . She knew he had deeper secrets and all she wanted was him to open up to her .

"w..why" she whispered .

"I dont know how friendship works okay . I mean i know we have only been talking for seven days , but i think that makes us friends right? I'm just i- i ..!dont know " he said .

" Look Im not good with friendships , but I'm not like them if that makes you feel better , I promise i am not , i would never judge or hurt you " Heaven said .

" Todo I swear I'm not that " she said .

He immediately looked up scrunching his eyebrows .

Her heart dropped and the roots of her hair felt like they were on fire .

"H..huh?" He asked giggling .

" I.. I uh sorry sorry .. oh my god" she said her whole face turning red from the embarrassment .

" No , no its cool , I like the nickname" he smiled .

She looked up blushing , looking like a whole angel . Deep down he knew she was right , she was nothing like them , she was a rare precious gem .

Couldnt sleep so here you go :3

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Hope you liked it , love you -hana

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