9. Attracted To The Pirate

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I ended up only there to talk. No, nothing terrible, nothing horrible, just conversation and jokes. After the little speech I made, every man in the room seemed to lose interest. It was that or the fact that Christopher sat next to me the whole time that made them think twice.

It made me wonder why Christopher sat next to me in the first place. I mean, he could have sat anywhere he wanted. Christopher could have sat in front of the room, being the captain and all. I half expected him to, but no, he chose to sit next to me.

I asked Christopher about this, and he joked that he wanted to get a better view of me as he watched me eat the disgusting food. I rolled my eyes to it and dropped the topic, but it still made me curious.

After a while, I let out a huge yawn. "Well, I'm tired. I think I'll be heading to bed. Goodnight," I said to Christopher and the men.

Just as I was about to rise from my chair, I noticed that I was back in the spotlight. Everyone was giving me amused looks, and I just had to ask, so I turned to Christopher for an explanation.

There, Christopher's face told me all I needed to know. I was in for something. "Would you like to explain to me why I can't go to bed? What did you all do?" I said with immediate annoyance.

I did see a few men leave the room, which I figured was because they had to pee or something, but was it possible that they did something to my bed? I wouldn't be surprised.

"Fish, would you like to explain?" Christopher said, turning to Fish. Fish, from across the room, nodded and looked at me.

"We be goin' raiding tonight, lass. No time to sleep," he said with a smirk of his own.

No, no, no.

"You chose to tell me this now? Couldn't you tell me this, I don't know, earlier today! And why in the world are you going raiding right after we just got attacked!"

Christopher smirked. "For one, darling, it's we as in all of us, and two, we're low on supplies as you see from your meal," he said, gesturing to the piece of salted beef I ate.

I stifled back a growl. Instead, I scowl. "You all are crazy! How the bloody hell do you all have the energy? We just got attacked! Don't you all have some wounds to lick or something?"

"We do this all the time, isn't that right men?" Christopher said and looked around the room. Everyone grunted and nodded in agreement with my displeasure.


I threw my hands up in the air. "Ah, leave me out of it then! You all have fun getting yourselves caught and killed like a bunch of vermin while I am asleep and free. Good day to you, gentlemen."

Just as I rose from my chair again, Christopher's hand snatches out and grabs me in his iron grasp. "You're a man, remember? And you also live on this ship, meaning you do as I say as I am your captain."

I look around the room for help, but as expected, the crew seemed to agree with their captain as they looked at me with more amused smirks.

Damn, this situation.

But I had something up my sleeve. "I'm in the gallery as I do recall," I said, smiling. "So, therefore, I am not a man, remember. I can sleep here, you know. I can spend the rest of my days here as I like. What are you going to do about that?"

I felt proud of myself then, but oh, that smirk. I should have seen it coming. I should have remembered who it was in front of me, but I was a victim of my pride. The tables have turned.

The next thing I knew, Christopher got up and tossed me over his shoulder, and I was kicking and screaming all over again.

"Put me down! Put me down!" I screamed.

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