24. ICE-CREAM, cold and soft.

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Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock....

I let out a heavy sigh as I looked away from the clock that hung on the wall. Thirty minutes barely gone since I took my seat at my so-called desk attempting the impossible at my ridiculous job.

A scoff eluded my lips as I thought of Christian’s fine idea of making me an assistant. Obviously, it was his little stunt of mocking me. I could beat him at his own game and reject this job but for some reason, I somehow don’t want to. Why? What might I gain from this?

A chance at a step closer to him? Proving I can do it after all?

I shook my head in disagreement.

That’s insane. I’m Harieth Gryffin. I don’t care about someone’s approval or try to please anyone. I’m just me. So what if I’ve developed a little feeling for him, that doesn’t change who I am. I’ll always be me.

Therefore, I have to get up, make my way into her office and tell her to shove this job down her throat. Yes, that’s what I’ll do.

I stood straight on my feet and without sparing this uncomfortable environment one last glance, I made my way towards her office. One hand on the door knob and I pushed it open.

Mrs Carson looked up to me away from her laptop. After a moment of exchanging glances, a simple smile played out on her face.

“Can I help you with something Harieth?” She asked and the politeness in her voice irritated me to the core so I played out an equal smile on my face and stepped into the office, shutting the door behind me afterwards.

I spent a good minute taking a look at her little office. The space was small but she had done a good job with decorating it to her standards. It was neither much of the all white and gray sophistication nor the dark wood floors and brown leather furniture to seem a little vintage. It was purely simple, too plain and simple for my taste.

“Harieth.” She called and I’m forced to fixate my gaze back on her. This time, her eyes and brows did the questioning. Impatient, are we?

“I...” The rest of the words hung in my throat.

“...either you accept the position or you can forget working in this company.”

Forget working here? That means I won’t get to see him so often and his assumptions about me will be made certain.

“Harieth.” Mrs Carson’s voice interrupted my thoughts. I blinked a few times to redirect my attention back on her.

“It seems you have nothing to say to me. You should leave and next time, refrain from walking into my office without actually knocking.” She politely explained but something about that sentence felt like an insult.

“I do have something to say.” I spoke up almost right away before she could lower her eyes away from me.

Yes, I do. I refuse to work here and I don’t care what my husband thinks about my decision so in the nearest future, pray our paths never cross again.

Exactly. I’m not one to care about another so now, all I have to do is speak out those exact words then my nightmare will be over in a jiffy.

I stood tall and straight. My shoulders balanced and my head hung high as I stared down at her. My mouth opened to let out the words.

* * *

I stepped out onto the rooftop and the wild wind welcomed me. A regretful sigh escaped my lips as I shut my eyes for a brief moment.

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