Chapter 15. Again

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Chapter 15. Again


After biting and struggling against the gag that covered my mouth, it finally loosened a fraction, allowing me to speak my mind. “Where are you taking me?” I said in a hoarse voice that was way too unfamiliar. God. . . I’ve been dying of thirst. No one answer my question so I repeated it over and over.

“I know you’re there, I can hear you breathing.” Not satisfied with the dead air and the ignorance they gave me, I squirmed and wiggled against the rope binding my hands behind my back. What rotten luck. I was kidnapped again and hauled inside a car, or at least a moving vehicle. If I could only remove this cloth covering my face, I would be a very happy woman. Not!

“This girl is so irritating,” one of them spoke in this voice that reminded me of a witch. “Make her shut up.” Scared that they’d kill me, my body went into overdrive. Meaning, I wriggled like my life depended on it. Sadly, that was the last thing I did before someone punched me hard on the stomach, making me lay unconscious on the seat immediately.

“Rise and shine sweetheart.” Someone tapped my face roughly, prompting me to wake up. But I didn’t open my eyes. Instead, I squeezed it tightly, hoping against hope that when I finally opened it, I would be inside Cybele’s room comfortably snuggled against her. No such luck. Before I knew it, my whole body was freezing. When my eyes opened in a snap, I learned that I was tied securely on a chair. To add insult to injury, I was soaking wet. What the heck?

A man with a toothy grin stood in front of me with an empty bucket on his grimy hands. Great! He dumped its contents all over me. What a charmer, I thought in disdain. Opening my mouth I said, “Why did you take me? I have nothing to offer you.”

Mr. Toothy scrunched his face, the already deep lines there looking almost like scars because of the action. “You’re pretty,” he said dumbly. I rolled my eyes at him. He was like a stupid troll. “I’m not pretty,” I replied in a raspy voice. Clearing my throat I added, “I’m just normal looking. If you want to see someone beautiful, you need to kidnap an actress. Not me.”

Toothy scratched his balding head and thought for a while, dropping his empty bucket noisily on the floor. Dumb just got dumber. It gave me an opportunity to take a good look around the place. So what’s the damage? Glancing down, I saw that I was tied to a chair. But aside from that, nothing seemed to be broken. Well except for my stomach. It felt like someone punched it. Which someone totally did, I thought angrily.

Sighing low, I stared at the area. We were inside a house. Go figure. The place looked old. As if it would crumble and cave on us anytime. It smelled like dead rats too. Announcing their foul presence, a big rat almost the size of a kitten scurried on the left, straight to the mouse hole. Where the hell was this place? From the looks of it, I was positioned in the middle of the living room. Or at least the remains of the crumbling living room.

After thinking for the longest time, Toothy finally made up his mind. He walked straight to me, a huge grin on his face. When he was standing right in front of me, I asked him “What are you doing?” I couldn’t keep the sound of sarcasm out of my voice. He continued smiling eerily, just staring at me. “What?”

“Eat,” he said.

“Excuse me?” I scoffed in annoyance.

“I eat,” he repeated while pointing to himself. “You.” His finger and all its dirty glory pointed in my direction, making the hair at the back of my nape stand to attention. Oh God. He guffawed like a sick dog. “Eat your foot,” he muttered. “Eat your tummy.” Toothy stared in my eyes. “Eat your brains.”

Kidnapping The Princess  (Editing For Publication) (lesbian, girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now