8: Maddening Revelations

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Nicky was too busy with other guests to dine with me that night, so instead I spent some time with my father and told him about my concerns for Aswela and the people. He had a big smile on his face when he realised my genuine concern for them, and tearfully said I am maturing wonderfully. It was quite unexpected, but he promised to look into the situation and allow me to go out into the villages (with guards of course) to make sure that the people are being cared for.

It is very busy in the castle as the new King will ascend to the throne in just two days time, and Nicky has been having his final dress fittings so I have not seen him around. A part of me misses his presence, which is certainly unsettling. I should not feel this way. Unfortunately, my father informed me that Prince Leven is due to arrive today; meaning the bubble I have been in since arriving has been burst. I am already back to the sad reality of my life, and I have not even left yet! As well as Leven, many other Royal families will be arriving over the next two days, which I am both dreading and excited for. I have not asked yet, but I hope tremendously that Princess Ariana is coming; I miss her company so much!

"Oh!" I exclaim as I turn a corner with my head deep in my book and nearly get trampled on.

"Careful! Oh, it's you." A haughty voice says.

Looking up, a wave of contempt flows over me as I realise it is the awful Princess Haven who I have bumped into, and a quick flick of my head shows her even worse sister, Princess Flower. They are both incredibly spoilt and obnoxious, and create such boring conversation it is painful to have to sit with them. Flower has always been jealous of my looks, compared to her plain features, so when we were younger and our parents tried to force us to be friends, she cut all my hair off in the middle of the night. My mother never made me visit her again after that ordeal, but I left my mark on her by cutting the heads of her dolls off and setting her playroom alight. It is safe to say we do not like each other much. Since we were children, she has always been in competition with me, spreading hateful rumours and coercing her brother into treachery. I will never forgive either of them for what they did to me.

She and her brother may be the only people in this world that I actually wholeheartedly hate.

"Oh look who it is." Flower snarls in disgust.

If she actually were a flower, she would have been trampled on years ago, as she is just so ugly and smells atrocious!

"Flower, how lovely to see you." I say with great sarcasm. "You seem to get uglier every time we meet." I respond with an evil smile.

"How dare you! I am beautiful, unlike you, you, you rat!" She gasps, her face going red with anger.

"Flower, you really need to learn to stop comparing yourself with things you could never hope to compete with. I outrank you in everything my dear." I quip back.

"Hey, stop that! We know you're just jealous of us." Haven sasses.

"Jealous of what? Your monkey faces or carrot hair? Please, do explain." I retort with a wicked grin, leaning on the stonewall comfortably.

"I tell you what you are jealous of, and that is my relationship with my dear, sweet Prince Nicky - or Prince Nikolaos as you know him." Flower giggles like a lovesick puppy, causing the fake smile to slip from my lips.

"What do you mean?" I snap with a glare.

Who is she to call him Nicky? That is my nickname for him!

"Oh, we've got you now." Haven chuckles, but she sounds more donkey then human.

"Well you see dear Bellatrix, whilst you have been rejecting every suitor that comes to your door; I have been very busy wooing Nicky. We are practically dating, and last night we enjoyed a beautifully romantic dinner in his chambers. Haven even heard the maids gossiping that he is going to propose marriage to me as soon as he is crowned King. Oh, I always knew I was destined to be a Queen." Flower reveals smugly.

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