Chapter 17

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All you felt was cold and the sold ground beneath your body.
Your head was throbbing and for a moment everything felt fuzzy and unclear like looking at static on a TV.
You finally opened your eyes and let them adjust to the flooded light in the room. As you looked around with your squinting eyes your surroundings became more apparent.

The white walls and pads pulled you back to the situation you were in.
You quickly noticed Dr. Loomis sitting in front of you. He had moved you away from the door, on the opposite side of the room in fact. He sat cross legged with his pistol aimed at the door.
He didnt seem to know that you were awake.

You attempted to move your body to creep away but found that you were completly restrained. A jingling sound alerted you to your wrists and ankles which had been bound by handcuffs making it impossible to move.
"Dont make any sound."

You barely heard it, the sound of Dr. Loomis talking, his voice was barely a whisper. He must have heard the handcuffs moving but he never looked behind him at you. His body remained faded towards the door.
"Michael is here."

The words sent a shock like a lighting bolt straight through your body.

Michael was here?

How Michael was here or how he had even gotten here was a mystery. Was he here for you or for Loomis? Before you could ask Dr. Loomis spoke up again still speaking in whispers.

"He showed up just a little while ago, you've been out cold for quite some time. Michael showed up, I know its him I can feel the evil radiating from the other side of the door."

Dr. Loomis cocked his gun, the click resounding through the silent room, "I thought if I removed you from the equation he would return to his original mission, to end his bloodline, but it seems I have underestimated his attachment to you."

Your heart skipped a beat, Michael was here for you. Michael came all this way to come and get you, but you still were unsure whether or not Michael was really outside, no noise could be heard from the other side of the door.

Suddenly a loud bang resounded from the door bouncing off the walls, the harsh sound making both you and Dr. Loomis jump.

It was only one bang but the sudden sound rattled you to your core. It was so aggressive, so angry, if Michael was really the one on the other side of the door he was pissed off.

Fear passed through your body, fear of Michael. For the first time you genuinely didn't know what he was going to do.
You turned to look at Dr. Loomis, he was visibly scared his body almost shaking yet his hands on the gun remained completly still.

You opened your mouth to ask Dr. Loomis a question but before you could say anything another bang resounded on the door, this time louder than before.
Both Loomis and you jumped once again but this time you let out a small short scream.

Dr. Loomis whipped his head toward you, "You. He wants, you."

Loomis' demeanor frightened you, he seemed terrified and determined.
Before you knew it Loomis had stood up and moved behind you. He forced you into your feet and pushed the gun against the temple of your head.

You let out another scream at how quickly he moved.

"He wants you. He only wants you."
Loomis chanted this over and over the gun pressed hard against your forehead it was leaving a mark.

Another bang resounded from the door followed by another one shortly after and another one again. The banging became faster and increasingly heavy.

Finally the door began falling inward the hinges squeaking and bending.

The banging became increasingly louder and louder the bangs getting closer and closer together until a loud thud reverberated through the room.
You had squeezed your eyes shut when the bang resounded but as the sound faded you opened your eyes.

You let out a gasp.

You saw him, he was standing in the doorway, his body almost completly covering the only exit.

His presence gave you comfort even though you knew that there was something wrong with him.


You made the quick decision to call out to him before you could decide against it.
You needed him right now, you were so afraid, the gun pressed hard against your head.

"Move and she gets it Michael!" Dr. Loomis called out pressing the gun harder to your head.

Michael started moving into the room his body rigid as he walked. You couldnt tell what he was thinking or how he felt, he just seemed cold.

As Michael moved closer and closer Loomis became increasingly frustrated.
"I told you not to move Michael!"
Then in one swift movement he moved the gun up towards the ceiling, shot, and placed it back on my temple.
"I'm not fucking around! Dont move!"

You let out a scream and called out to Michael once again, tears welling up in your eyes "Michael please!" You begged him, "Please!"

You didnt know what else to do, your mind has gone blank all you could think of was Michael and the gun pressed to your forehead.

Michael finally stopped moving towards you. He was significantly closer and you could see that his hands were at his sides and one was gripping a large knife.
The room was silent once again, you could hear Loomis' heavy breathing behind you.

No one moved no one talked. The eerieness made your ears ring.
Finally Loomis spoke up.

"I'll make a trade with you Michael, I'll give you the girl if you let me walk free."
Loomis paused but Michael made no movements.

"I'm going to move towards the door Michael, if you make any movement towards us I wont hesitate to splatter these white walls with her blood."
Michael still made no movement as Loomis grabbed you tighter and began making his way towards the door, moving in a circle around Michael who stood in the center of the room.

Loomis shuffled slowly making sure to keep himself facing Michael who also turned to make sure he was continuously facing Loomis.

No one made a noise, you pleaded Michael with your eyes not to make a move. Loomis' hand was shaking violently on the gun and you were terrified that he was going to shoot it accidentally.

Finally you and Loomis' back was facing the exit.

"I'm going to leave and I'm going to leave the girl here with you, Michael," Loomis spoke calmly, "if you make any attempts to follow me or find me I will make sure that next time," he moved the gun away from my head slowly, "she leaves with more than just some buises."

Dr. Loomis took the butt of the gun and slammed it down once more hitting your cheek. You yelped out in pain and Loomis dropped you and made a run for it exiting the building before you could even see him go.

Michael instantly dropped the knife and moved over to you cradling your head in his hands.

He stoked your cheek lightly where Loomis had hit it.

"Michael, you came for me." You smiled weakly at him, your face still throbbing. You could feel the bruise beginning to form already.

He responded by putting his forehead against yours lightly, still holding your face.

You looked up at him, the light shining on his mask made it so that you could just barely see his eyes.

You gasped a little, they were a light blue that was almost grey especially with the shadow on them. Looking into his eyes you could see his concern for you.

You both stared into each others eyes for a moment before Michael pulled you up from the ground and picked you up bridal style like he had done before.

You winced a little in pain but gladly leaning into his shoulder and looked up at his face, "Thank you Michael."


I have returned.
I have come up from the depths to give you this chapter.
I cannot promise how soon the next chapter will be coming out.
But I can say that ther will be a next chapter and it will get steamy ;).
Okay goodbye.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2019 ⏰

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