Hurtful words.

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Little Bicth


these are just some words that hurt you and me.

it cuts you deep doesnt it

i wonder if those who speak them realize that the person being called these names may be going home to a broken home . a broken family. or worse a razor to the wrist. or a bullet to the head

these words hurt me.

im bullied constantly.

and the pain is usually umbearable.

and when people say these words.

One day . They will see what they have done.

im going to show them up.

And for those who have been effected by these words.

just...hold on a little longer.

im talking about when your on a thread hang on till you touch the ground.

and soon , you will see how much better life will be if you show those who hate that they cant effect you anymore.

i hope that mad since,eheh TILL NEXT TIME

Peace. Love.Unity. Respect.

Raw.Unfilterd.Truth.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora