Chapter Two: Dreams and Reality

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Sorry I've made you wait so long for this chapter! But I finally get to work on this story!

Please enjoy Calum Scott's version of Dancing on my Own...

Enjoy, vote, and comment if you like this chapter!




Dreams had never been a thing Teagan indulged in. The few times he was able to get a decent night's sleep, he managed to close his eyes to complete darkness. Nothing haunted him, nothing lured him, nothing offered him escape except total oblivion.

Nothing but black to give him the few blessed hours of rest he needed before returning to the land of the living.

He should have realized that after laying his hands on the pretty little Ice Queen, all his peace would go up in flames.

Just thinking about her brought back the burning need he'd fought back last night. He could still see those liquid violet eyes gazing up at him from that smooth, porcelain face. And that mouth! That perfect bow of a mouth had all but begged him to take it in a fierce kiss to satisfy just a little of the hunger she'd awakened in him. Those red lips had touched his skin and branded him with just a kiss on his neck.

He shivered at the memory of her kiss. He'd wrestled with himself the entire ride to her grand estate, asking himself why he didn't just take what she offered. He could have used a wild night in bed with the icicle. In fact, if he tried hard enough, he could even convince himself that she had wanted him just as much last night!

Last night, it hadn't looked like she cared that he was a filthy nobody who's hands had no reason being anywhere near her. Last night, it appeared he'd been good enough for her even if it was only for one night.

But he hadn't collected. He'd taken her to her home and carried her up to her perfectly ordered bedroom, despite her father's demands that he just leave her on the living room couch. He scoffed at that. The Ice Queen's own father didn't seem to realize his daughter was the closest thing to royalty he'd ever beheld. Even a good-for-nothing, piece of trash like himself knew the couch was no place for her to sleep.

Still a bit drowsy from his surprisingly vivid dream, Teagan threw back the blue and white checkered comforter and sat up. He felt oddly relaxed this morning. He smirked, as his eyes happened to land on the mirror propped on the back of his bedroom door. With his heavy-lidded gaze and the mussed up brown-nearly-black hair that curled slightly at the ends, he looked satisfied. He looked like a man who'd spent the night ardently melting away the Ice Queen's ice. And he had... in his dream.

Ah, hell. His smirk turned into a wolfish grin as he fought back the hot images that flashed to his mind. The Ice Queen's father wouldn't have let him in the front door if he'd suspected half of the thoughts Teagan had been thinking while holding her in his arms. He'd have shot him dead if he'd seen the things Teagan had done with the Ice Queen in his dreams.

Then again, maybe the older man wouldn't have cared. It came as a shock to find the Ice Queen's father was uncaring about the whereabouts of his daughter. He could almost believe the man wouldn't have cared if Teagan had taken his daughter to his house instead.

Teagan groaned, running a not quite steady hand through his hair. He would have preferred having her here with him. He could have exercised some of the ways he'd thought of waking her whenever he'd caught himself looking at her during the rare times she crossed his path on the College campus; and he could have watched those naturally curled lashes lift to drown him in the loveliest violet eyes he'd ever seen.

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