9 ★ Young mate

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𝔸𝕦𝕤𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕒 - 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕤

"Find a handsome

young mate

for you to love"

Cedric POV

Everything is blurry. My eyes are like a camera that can't focus, my brain unable to process anything around me.

My mate. I found my mate.

Well, I saw her. She saw me. She ran out of the classroom before the lecture really even started. In that moment that our eyes met, I wasn't sure what exactly was happening. It didn't process. I couldn't think or move.

I couldn't believe that she's my mate, actually, I still can't believe it. The little thing is human. Up until this point in my life I had thought that impossible. No shifter is given a human as a mate, it's not right, not natural, not possible.

Apparently it is possible, and I'm the first bastard to experience it.

By the time the class is over I'm leaning against my desk for support. I barely got through class. My eyes are closed, my jaw clenched so hard my head begins to throb in pain.

This can't be happening. A human. My mate is human.

I take deep, long breaths, trying to focus on that and only that. The students are all gone, they left in a hurry only moments ago. Or hours. Time doesn't really make sense right now. They felt my stress, my tenseness. Like a herd of gazelles they skittered away to protect themselves from the irritated lion.

Even though I'm shocked she's human, I can't get her face out of my head. She was a shock of beauty in a sea of mundane faces. Her big doe eyes were wide and innocent, her nose doused in freckles, and not to mention that tousled head of wavy curls. I can't get the image out of my head. It's stuck, just like the Moon Goddess wanted.

And then there's the fact that I want to chase her down and grab her. That would go over well, I think.

I don't know what to think, how to feel. I should feel disgusted or horrified, instead I'm on edge and confused. I've waited centuries to find her. I didn't expect this to happen when I did. I can't exactly describe what I envisioned, but I thought at least my mate would know what I am.

My guess is that she has no clue that I'm a lycan, let alone what a lycan is in the first place. Then there's the fact that I'm royalty, but I hate even thinking about that.

I hate remembering the way she fled the classroom with her pretty face hidden, the scent of tears wafting around me. I can't forget that smell. Not of her crying, but of her in general. It had been a mouthwatering scent that I never wanted to stop inhaling.

In amazement I realize there was no fear mixed with her scent. My eyes widen. She saw me, stared at me, must've felt the mate bond as I did, but she was not afraid of me. It must be some sort of miracle. Maybe a fluke. Everyone on this planet is afraid of me. The idea that my mate is the only person who's not afraid of me more than it should.

But why would she run? Why was she crying? It doesn't make any sense. Humans have always been simple in my mind, the things they do don't exactly make sense to me, but they're easy enough to understand. This whole situation with my mate is a conundrum, especially because I can already tell I have no self control with her.

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