Remedial Goodness

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     Evie was the first to enter the classroom with Fairy Godmother smiling to see her before the bell. She was shortly followed by Jay with Mal trailing in. The three sat down with Mal and Evie next to each other and Jay with a spot for Carlos. The bell rang and the three looked around to not see the small boy. "Does anyone know where Carlos is?", Fairy Godmother asked.

"Here!", Carlos yelled entering the room.

"Mr. DeVil, please don't make this a habit. I would like to start on time.", Fairy Godmother requested.

"I was helping Audrey with something.", he replied.

"What were you helping her with?", Jay whispered and grinned.

"Nothing like that you perv. I'll tell you later.", Carlos answered.

     The Fairy Godmother started her class with an introduction and what makes someone good. It essentially boiled down to looking after another before one's self. "God that sounds lame...", Mal thought to herself.

"You're telling me.", Evie responded.

     The two girls looked at each other shockingly. They've never been able to do that. They turned their heads almost simultaneously towards the boys to see if they reacted to. Apparently they were alone in this aspect as Carlos ate a chocolate bar and Jay scribbled in his notebook.
     The two girls decided to keep this under wraps. Mal did think it would come in handy during the Wand Heist tonight.
     The Fairy Godmother went through some multiple choice questions. Mal was the only one who seemed to be getting the right answers. When she was asked about it, Mal replied that she picked the most boring answer.   
     They continued with the class as Jay tried to roughhouse with Carlos. "Boys! I encourage you to take that energy to the Tourney Field.", Fairy Godmother said. As they sat back down Carlos thought he heard Ben mention Tourney.
She gave the boys notices for after school today to try out for Tourney and then continued with the class. Now more of the group were able to get the correct answers. Once the bell rang for lunch, the Core Four started to get up. "Mal!", Fairy Godmother called out.

"Oooooh...", the other three echoed as they waited by the doorway for their friend.

"Yes Fairy Godmother?", Mal replied.

"I just wanted to say thank you for not only participating in today's lesson but being a leading example to your friends. I could see your talents being a really powerful force of good someday.", Fairy Godmother grinned.

"Oh...thank you.", Mal said confused. Adults don't compliment her. At least without ulterior motives.

The Core Four left for the cafeteria. The food Auradon Prep got was all too good. Evie had gotten a Chicken Caesar Salad while Mal got a Steak, rare, with French Fries. Jay had gotten the same as Mal while Carlos loaded up on Chocolate Cupcakes. The three laughed at his dessert for a meal.
They went to an empty table and scanned through the room silently. Jane and Lonnie had been walking together. Jane waved at Mal as Lonnie tried ushering her fasted away from them avoiding eye contact. "Everyone here is so stuck up.", Jay complained.

"There not all that bad.", Mal retorted.

"Yeah, Ben is cool.", Carlos said.

"That's only because he has a crush on you.", Jay said with a snicker.

"What!?", both the girls said in unison.

"He does not. He's just really nice.", Carlos said giving Jay a dirty look.

"He sent him more chocolate last night before we went to bed.", Jay said.

"Ooooh...", the girls said yet again in unison.

"Yeah, shouldn't have ate it that late. Gave me weird dreams.", Carlos replied.

They dropped the subject of Ben and started talking about their individual days. That is until Ben with Audrey in tow had walked up to them. "Hey guys! How is your first day so far?", Ben asked. He wanted them to be as comfortable as possible. They all nodded in positivity. "Do you mind if we have a seat?", Ben asked as the four teens offered the other seats.

"Benny-Boo...Chad and the others are waiting for us though at our table.", Audrey said trying to get Ben to come with.

     They eventually did leave the VK Table for their usual table. Which sat Chad Charming, Elle, and Audrey's cousin Ariana Rose. The group exuded privilege and self absorption. Ben honestly didn't look like he belonged with them. Audrey fit right in.
     They finished their lunches just in time for the next bell to ring. Some of them would find themselves in certain classes together. It wasn't until the end of the day when the boys headed over to the field to tryout for the Tourney Team...

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